can someone pleeeeease help me!


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Well-known member
May 20, 2006
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ok ok so like i wanna go out with this guy i 6th grade and i really like him but i dont know if i can have a bf yet and i needed advice on how to go about asking my mom when and if i can start dating, cause i dont think she knows im interested in boys yet i really need help! pleeeeeeeease!!! ;) :D :wacko:

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Your twelve, tops, right? Thats really ridiculous. Puppy love just starts to come in at that stage. -.-'

im like 14
And your in the sixth grade?

Well, it's not our placed to tell the girl she's to young, so we might as well leave it up to her to decide.

I'm not so great at advice.. So maybe someone else should answer?

Well, when I'm in 7th grade I'm going to be turning 12 because my birthday is in the fall. Shouldn't you only be turning 13 in 7th grade?? Well, anyways, I say if you feel like you're mature enough go ahead and ask him out.

Yeah toatally. My bud dates all like, 20 boyfriends. 8 years she is. 8 years old.


just start up a cashual(sp?) conversation about that type of thing and then say, "oh, by the way, am i allowed to date?" thats what i did. both me and my sis(3rd grade) are allowed to. she currently has a boyfriend who i think is really nerdy lol

like, most girls date up because some guys mature later and some guys mature early but...whatever.

i think dating down is just kind of ignorant, especially if you're supposed to be in eighth. i say you should pass.

Don't risk your friendship with the guy. Even if it doesn't turn awkward when you tell him, immature "love" will ultimatly come back and bite you in the butt.

I think it's great that you want to talk to your mom about it though. That's cool.

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Okay, I am in the EXACT same situation you are in. HELP!!!!!!! :huh:

I like this guy A LOT in my class, but I don't know how to tell my mom that I want/ready to date him yet! But I still haven't TOLD him that I liked him. I'm in the 6th grade too. :lol: Anyways my mom doesn't know that I'm starting to be into boys either. o.o

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Okay, I am in the EXACT same situation you are in. HELP!!!!!!! :furawatchi:
I like this guy A LOT in my class, but I don't know how to tell my mom that I want/ready to date him yet! But I still haven't TOLD him that I liked him. I'm in the 6th grade too. :D Anyways my mom doesn't know that I'm starting to be into boys either. o.o
Please keep in mind if you're having a similar problem as the topic starter, don't take over their topic. I know you aren't really right now but your wording is leaning towards that direction. Best to take whatever suggestions that'll work for you and go with it.

Well If you really,really Like Him I think you should go for it, But Here are some tips:

  • If your Shy, Ask your Friend to Help you out and ask for you *pretending in the bathroom*
  • Or Tell him how you Feel sending him a note in his locker *if you guys have any* or in Class which I wouldn't recommend
  • *NOTE* If you guys get together than you have to talk But communicate

I hope I helped a bit!!

~TP~ :p

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