Can someone sub the entirety of Tamagotchi!


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I'm doing an abridged dub, but subbing all 400 episodes would be crazy, let alone dubbing them. 

Although I hope to do all 400 episodes, I'm pretty sure I won't get far - after all, it took me almost 5 years to get back here and do VA auditions!

there was a sub project some time ago, but they only ended up doing about 4 episodes or so

i went looking recently myself to see if anyone had done more but didn't have any luck, it's not too big of a deal for me to just watch the dub because i think cheesy bad voice acting is fun (although i do miss kuchipatchi's squeaky toy voice and mametchi being Maximum Baby Mode), but my partner can't tolerate it enough to watch more than a couple episodes at a time with me, haha

Having the whole anime subbed would be really awesome! I would binge the whole series and end it with the Tamagotchi movie.


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