can the tamagotchi in v3 be potty trained?


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Mar 11, 2007
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I don't know, because just awhile ago I saw my patopatatchi on the toilet. I could tell it was pooping because it had the stink lines around it. I try to catch it about to poop so I can put it on the toilet and now this time, it did it by itself.

But there was another weird thing. Instead of the toilet being sideways, it was straight ahead so I could only see the front.

I'm not lying, this really happened and I don't care if you don't believe me. :p

Unfortunately tamas on V3 and V4 (don't know about the others) can't be potty trained, the most you can do is catch it before it poops by seeing the stink lines.... you will see it going to the toilet, but when you don't catch it, it will just plainly poo.

I don't know, because just awhile ago I saw my patopatatchi on the toilet. I could tell it was pooping because it had the stink lines around it. I try to catch it about to poop so I can put it on the toilet and now this time, it did it by itself. But there was another weird thing. Instead of the toilet being sideways, it was straight ahead so I could only see the front.

I'm not lying, this really happened and I don't care if you don't believe me. :)
Those weren't stink lines. That was steam. You tama was in the bath.

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