Can They Fall In Love?


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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
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Can V2 And V4 Fall In Love There are both adults(they are four years are) and they have known each other since they were babies and when they connect there is a heart in betwwen and on the friends list there is four hearts....but they wont have a baby ;) is something wrong or are they just taking there time ?

Tamagotchis cannot mate with other versions. I tried that with my V4 and my friends V3, but it wouldn't work. Hope I helped!

i read some where i forgot were but it said


You Have A v4 and you have a v4.5

the v4.5 can mate with the v4

but v4 cannot mate with v4.5

so u have to like v4.5 than mate with v4

cant be the other way around i think~

so probably u have to v4 mate with v2 or maybe it only goes to 3

v4.5--> v4

v4--> v3

v4.5--> v3

They can mate - definitely.

They are just taking their time :)

The V2 will not have babies with another tama - even if they are showing 4 hearts for each other on the friends list - until the V2 has been evolved into the adult character for a full 24hours. That may be your problem.

All Versions V1 > V4.5 can mate with each other and have babies - it is just a question of choosing the right option in the screen menu when you connect ^_^

The V5 is the only version that cannot mate with previous versions - it will only mate with another V5

Obviously all the very old versions of tamagotchis (before infared connection) will not mate in this way - except the Osu/Mesu pairs of course ^_^

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