Can Yall help me with a project?


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2005
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Ok here it is.... I have 20 tamagotchis..... (im obsessed... i know) Anyway... do you know how much tamagotchis really affect us... well... I am still in school but I have a challenge for any of the Tamagotchi lovers... I want yall to see how long you can go without having to "play" with your tamagotchi. It didnt take me long befor I cracked. But... I need your help. And if this is the wrong place to post this Im sorry and If im doing anything wrong Im sorry. But It your intrested if you would e-mail me at [email protected].

If you are able to help that would be a HUGE help. But when I stoped playing with mine I soon became well.... popular. (Tamas are REALLY lame at my school) But I couldn't live without my tamagotchi so things are bac to normal. And I still have my really good friends so... i found out who my real friends are. So really i gained ALOT! So If anyone wants to help... that would be really helpful. :( :hitodetchi: :angry: :angry: :mametchi: :mimitchi: :gozarutchi: :angry: :p :pochitchi: :angry: So Thanks

Alygotchi :wub:

Well... it depends...

Sometimes, (every 3 months or so,)

I get bored of my Tamas, and leave them on pause for a while. (usually a few days.) :D

And sometimes I never want to let them go! :eek:

Tamas are Lame at my school too.

When I stopped bringing mine to school, It made no difference in my popularity, but at least I didn't have to put up with the popular kids asking, 'Can I have a look at your Tamagotchi?' Then They look at it, and smirk at each other! :D :wacko:

At least I've got Real friends! :mametchi: (They don't like tamas much either, but they don't mind that I do.)

Personally, I reckon those popular kids secretly like Tamagotchi, and wish they could have one, but don't want to buy one cuz the other kids won't like them anymore. :blink:

The popular kids SUCK HUGE MONKEY BALLS! :mimitchi: :( I'm really glad I'm not popular! :angry: :lol: :D

if i got bored of them, a while , maybe even up to 1+ months.

but if i was acutally playing with them maybe a few hours lol

and i'm not cruel! lol (really)

I can go for a while not playing with them. Don't get me wrong, I like them, but I like collecting them more... :ph34r:






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