Can you bring tamas onto planes?


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i did! but i snook mine into a little tin box.i did not play with them, they where on pause. But on normal Areoplanes i think you have to leave them at take off or landing and then you can play with them it the air!

I brought three of mine on the plane and played with them and they didn't care. One of the flight attendents actually asked me if it was a Giga pet and told me I should get one.

Good question.

The long version (which I have posted before):

I posted this question a long time ago prior to my flight to Singapore on the 23rd of December, 2006 which lasted five hours (the worst five hours I ever had in my whole entire life).

Well, people were saying I should be able to bring it along. But I wanted to make sure. I said to the man at the check in counter, he was about to say yes but when he found that you could not turn it off (you're supposed to turn off all electronic devices during take off and landing) he said no. But I was allowed to put it in my luggage (as in normal luggage). So I did. All three of them- my neighbour's v1, my own v1 and my v3. (Note this is an overseas flight. Never been on a domestic flight before.)

I feel rather insecure without my Tamagotchi at times... it just feels comforting to feel the familiar weight of the "eggs" around my neck. Especially when I am doing something I'm rather uncomfortable doing, or doing something which I haven't done before and am a little nervous to do.

Anyway. So I had to last 5 hours without a Tamagotchi. So I put all three Tamagotchi on pause and then put them in my luggage. Even if they did come off pause somehow, I was confident a child, weak teenager/adult or oldie can last 7 hours without death. And it was only a 5 hour flight (five hours too long!). At the beginning of the flight I told the flight attendants I wasn't allowed to bring my Tamagotchi and they thought that was stupid!

When I got to Singapore my uncle opened my luggage for me so I could take out my Tamagotchi. My v3 had reset (but I could still download) and on both v1s the date and time had changed. So I downloaded my v3 and set the time correctly on all of them after asking my cousin for the time (she had a watch).

My own v1 and my v3 had problems with the buttons. As in I have to push the A button harder. Just the A button. Maybe it's because there's a gap where the tab once was? The v3 was absolutely shocking (virtually impossible to play games) but my v1 is alright and still working.

On my flight back I put my Tamagotchi in a box and no more damage occured. Also while on the flight back home I had a look at the safety instructions. You know how it says what you're not allowed to have turned on during take off and landing and what you're not allowed to bring at all? Well, in the "what you're not allowed to bring at all" circle, there was... a walkie talkie (I think), a Furby, and get this.... A TAMAGOTCHI. Well, a virtual pet-like thing anyway (the picture had four buttons!!!)

So... if you're gonna take your Tamagotchi on an aeroplane and not allowed to carry 'em on board... put them in a box of some sort!

Sorry to add this, but I hate aeroplanes. No, not hate, not really hate, not even Really Hate, but REALLY HATE aeroplanes. (Especially the aeroplane toilet. I had to sit next to it both flights and I could hear the stupid thing flushing.)

The short version:

You might want to check, just to be safe. If you are allowed I wouldn't bring too many. Put them on pause or something during take off and landing.

Hmm...I am planning to take my V4 only, and it will be a 10 hr flight.

I probably put the tab into my tama (does this count as turning it off?) then take it out again when the electronic devices are able to be turned on.

Interesting story though, are you saying that the flight damaged some of your tamas?

Hmm...I am planning to take my V4 only, and it will be a 10 hr flight.I probably put the tab into my tama (does this count as turning it off?) then take it out again when the electronic devices are able to be turned on.

Interesting story though, are you saying that the flight damaged some of your tamas?
That probably would count as turning off, seeing as you're breaking the electrical circuit.

I'm saying that the flight might have damaged my Tamagotchi. More likely though is when I had no choice but to run through sprinklers. I did hold on to my Tamagotchi though some water might have gotten in and ruined the A button slightly.

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