Can you control your dreams?


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Last night I was having this pretty realistic dream (going to a school danc,e but forgetting that it was a dance and didn't bring nice clothes) and I wanted to change it up a bit. So, surprinsgly, I DID change it. I magically teleported (xD) to my house and I invited all my friends over. Then, I decided I wanted the dream to be I made someone knock on all the windows. But soon I was actually getting scared in the dream, so I made the person who was kocking on the windows turn out to be this guy from my class. xP

Then, this other boy from my class came over and we chatted with people on MSN and I controlled what he said and what he did.



I've never controlled a dream before.

Have you?

Dreams are suppose to be a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind that they experienced either that day or have expierenced in the past. This is something you cant control. but if you say you can, thats pretty cool.

I can't. It is random and retarded dreams mainly. I wish I could, then I would have awesome dreams!

Being able to control your dream is called a Lucid dream, you can train yourself to do this. I have only ever had one Lucid dream but it wasn't that great.

Being able to control your dream is called a Lucid dream, you can train yourself to do this. I have only ever had one Lucid dream but it wasn't that great.
I fall asleep when the Radio alarm sets off sometimes, Then I start dreaming of what the Radio talk show is saying. Is that a Lucid dream?

I fall asleep when the Radio alarm sets off sometimes, Then I start dreaming of what the Radio talk show is saying. Is that a Lucid dream?
I do that all the time. Once I had a dream and then "Girlfiend" just played out of no where, I woke up and the radio was playing Girlfriend. I think it's pretty close to a Lucid dream.

When I was little I used to have really scary dreams, especially after watching the movie Twister (I was dead scared of tornadoes, even though we don't get them in Australia. We only get cyclones), this might sound a bit weird, but I "trained" my brain to wake me up before anything got scary. Sometimes I had a little teddy bear magically come into the dream and say "Sorry, this is getting too scary. I must wake up now." and this wasn't just a once off thing, it happened in EVERY scary dream I had.

I know it sounds weird, but it did happen.

BTW, I heard a myth that if you sleep with a spoon on your nose you have a dream about your last life. My friend did it, and she said she was a race horse, then the stable burnt down and she died. I don't really believe it, but you can try it for something different.

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I remember my friend taught me how to get lucid dreams. Actually I did the procedure wrong, but I got lucid dreams from time to time, and it is quite a treat to be able to decide what is going to happen. ;)

Still, it is also fun for the dream to take its own course - and then perhaps you can use the idea of our dream in a story for example. ;)

I fall asleep when the Radio alarm sets off sometimes, Then I start dreaming of what the Radio talk show is saying. Is that a Lucid dream?
I don't think that's exactly the same thing as a Lucid dream. The wikipedia says:

"A lucid dream is a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress. During lucid dreams, it is often possible to exert conscious control over the dream characters and environment, as well as to perform otherwise physically impossible feats. Lucid dreams are known to be extremely real and vivid."

Yes, in my dreams, I mostly end up escaping and/or something good happens, even though some tragedies appear.

Yesterday, something really good happened in my dream, but I don't really want to mention it right now ;)

Every night people have dreams

-*Sometimes they don't remember it at ALL*-

People have many bad dreams

-*With NO controll over what happens*-

People have many good deams

-*With NO controll over what happens*-

Most of the time people have dreams where it's good/bad and it's foggy and hard to tell what's going on

-*Sometimes they have a bit of controll*-

People sometimes have lucid dream

-*A dream we all need to keep our night peacefull*-

I have those dreams a lot. They are extremly FUN! Until you wake up XD

Once I had a dream, where I was having the time of my life! It was the best! I had a bunch of talking pets, the landscape of the world was magnificent! The grass was green, millions of amazing flowers, blue skys, world peace, and all I could ever hope for! It was the best dream I've ever had in my life! ;) I had controll over all that happened! Then I told myself (in the dream)

"*gasp* Michaela! Wake Up! It's almost time for school!! You want to get ready right?"

I replyed:

"No! I love it here, and I dont want to go to school!"

"If you keep on sleeping, you will want to be here forever, and ever!!" <---- o_O

"Umm... Okay, Good Bye!"

Then I woke up! XD (true story of my dream I will never forget)

These are the ones I agree/relate with:

  Every night people have dreams

-*Sometimes they don't remember it at ALL*-

People have many good dreams

-*With NO controll over what happens*-

People sometimes have lucid dream

-*A dream we all need to keep our night peacefull
I think there is a special name for being able to controll yur dreams

I once had a dream were My Skelanimal kit came alive but she was a cat. (a skelanimal is a animal that you get @ hot topic thats bones) so, acording to my sister, I mumbled something in my sleep and kit was a bone cat again! I say...I cant wait till I have a dream bout Fergie! *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

I have a book on how to decipher/control your dreams. I can understand their meanings now, it's very interesting.

But what I can remember, no I never really tried to control them before.

I have a book on how to decipher/control your dreams. I can understand their meanings now, it's very interesting.
But what I can remember, no I never really tried to control them before.
Well actually, I have a book consisting of 10,000 means of dreams all in one dictionary, and I find it really helpful!

PM me if you would like a Dream Analysis :(

I've had only one lucid dream that I can remember right now. I was having a great time at my friend's lakehouse. We went out tubing on the boat, then we swam, ate lunch, went out of the boat, swam, ate dinner, watched a movie, and went to bed. XD

It actually really fun, because that's about my favorite place to be, and I've been there about 3 or 4 times with friends. I went through an entire day in one dream. After I fell asleep in the dream, I woke up [in real life] and saw that it was around 5 am, and went back to bed. I couldn't remember dreaming after that, though.

I don't think I can. I mean, I can sometimes be a character (myself) in the dream and it seems like I'm talking and things like that, but I don't remember ever having a dream where I really said "I want this to happen" and then it did just like that. There are a few iffy things, though.

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