Can you date?


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Can you date?

  • Yes i can

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  • no i can't

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2007
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My parents are so mean! They I can't date! I've already been asked loads of times(sometimes the people who ask me are hot) but I want to find out how many girls are out there that can't date! :furawatchi:

My parents are so mean! They I can't date! I've already been asked loads of times(sometimes the people who ask me are hot) but I want to find out how many girls are out there that can't date! :huh:
don't feel bad!!! i don't think i'm allowed to date sucks. lol :furawatchi:

Guys asked me out all the time last year. (same guys over over and over!!!) But, I'm not aloud to actually date until I'm 16, but I'm pretty sure I can have a boyfriend....

Im not allowed to date because im waay to young. My parent say i cant date until im 18, psshaa.

I cant date, either. It sucks so bad! OMG there are so many people at my school who date. I AM LEFT OUT! :huh: :mimitchi: Cuz I'm too young. Right. People YOUNGER than me DATE!! NOT FAIR, I SAY, NOT FAIR! :furawatchi: :nazotchi: :) :unsure: What is with that? 9 year olds date at my school! Yes, I'm still in Elementary, I admit. BUT I'M TEN, THEY'RE NINE- AND THEY DATE!!! :wacko:

My parents say, "Oh, you're too young" but I bet if I got a boyfriend I'd be allowed. I've never had one, and I think I'm going to take my chances and ask myself if one of the boys who flirt with me don't... *gulp*

I cant date, either. It sucks so bad! OMG there are so many people at my school who date. I AM LEFT OUT! :huh: :mimitchi: Cuz I'm too young. Right. People YOUNGER than me DATE!! NOT FAIR, I SAY, NOT FAIR! :furawatchi: :nazotchi: :) :unsure: What is with that? 9 year olds date at my school! Yes, I'm still in Elementary, I admit. BUT I'M TEN, THEY'RE NINE- AND THEY DATE!!! :wacko:
WTH? 9-year-olds dating?! Omigosh!

I cant date, either. It sucks so bad! OMG there are so many people at my school who date. I AM LEFT OUT! :mametchi: :rolleyes: Cuz I'm too young. Right. People YOUNGER than me DATE!! NOT FAIR, I SAY, NOT FAIR! :mametchi: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: What is with that? 9 year olds date at my school! Yes, I'm still in Elementary, I admit. BUT I'M TEN, THEY'RE NINE- AND THEY DATE!!! :rolleyes:

Trust me, you wouldn't even want to date

at that age. They never last, even at my age xD lol

But it's better to just wait and date someone your

really in love with. Not just some guy

you knew for a week or so.

But anyway, My parents say they don't REALLY

want me to date untill 16 but it doesn't really matter

to them that much.

Lol i just date anyway. And don't let them

know im dating...Heheh

I'm not allowed to date until I'm atleast 15. I have/had friends that have dated a guy or girl before. I feel left out because I really like someone, but I can't ask him out yet...

They're just trying to help...but sometimes evil. XD

The opposite thing goes down around here. My parents are mystified as to why I don't date. They are perfectly fine with it, but I'm fourteen and have yet to have a girlfriend... x.X and I don't know why, and neither do they. Maybe it's 'cause I play with tamagotchis? Eh hehe.

Parent's aren't evil, they just want the best for you, I mean, all those ages look pretty young for dating, in my opinion...

I'm not allowed to date until I'm 17 or 18 or something, but I dont think I have the chance. Don't feel left out, someone will ask you soon, and 9 and 10 year old's dating, that's like a cow and an ostrich actually having a chance together...

Haha, Misery. Funny.

I don't know if i'm allowed to date.

I don't talk about it with my parents. Ick.

I don't really want to date. Not for at least another 30 years or so.

I cant date, either. It sucks so bad! OMG there are so many people at my school who date. I AM LEFT OUT! :lol: :D Cuz I'm too young. Right. People YOUNGER than me DATE!! NOT FAIR, I SAY, NOT FAIR! :eek: :D :huh: :D What is with that? 9 year olds date at my school! Yes, I'm still in Elementary, I admit. BUT I'M TEN, THEY'RE NINE- AND THEY DATE!!! :D
Wow.. That's disgusting. Kids shouldn't date..

I'm allowed to date. My mom never really cared about it.

Sometimes I hate the word date though. To me date means to spend money on one another. I *hate* when people spend money on me. I love going on dates, but I hate the money spending.

My parents aren't bothered, but that's cause i'm 16...but i've been going out with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now (Go me! lol).

You should understand why your parents don't really want you to date, it's just they don't want you to get hurt. - It's because they care :eek:

My parents are so mean! They I can't date! I've already been asked loads of times(sometimes the people who ask me are hot) but I want to find out how many girls are out there that can't date! :(
I can (I have been able to since I turned 13 two months ago) under one condition - the guy needs to ask me out. And the only guy I have a crush on can't date till he's 13 (waaah I have to wait 2 years). So till then, uh... no I can't date.

I'm allowed to date I just don't want to. I think your parents just want you to wait a while before you start dating. Just to protect you. Though I feel you should have a talk with them about this.

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