Can you have a baby when your 17 or over?


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Mar 8, 2007
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Have you ever wondered if you can have a baby at 17 or higher cause mine is seventeen and still hasen't had a baby. If you have had a tama over 17 and had a baby repliy

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If it's aged to 17 naturally, it should be an old timer by now.

Old timers can have babies. However, in order to do so, you have to mate two old timers (of the opposite gender). You can not do this through the matchmaker. You have to find someone to connect to.

The female old timer is called Otokitchi. The male is called Ojitchi. Their baby will look normal, but will quickly grow up into the character called Oyajitchi. (You can see Otokitchi, Ojitchi, and Oyajitchi in the character chart, here: )

You have to have a baby by marrying someone. The matchmaker has stopped coming for now, so you are on your own.

Tamagotchis can live forever, but stop aging at the age of '99' :p

You have obiously missed the match maker and it's an old timmer. The only way to have a baby is for two oldies to get married! :p

If the character Oyajitchi have been evolves in your tama and will the matchmaker still come and continue the next generation..... :eek:

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