Can you start something...


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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2006
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Lost in the Abyss.
Terribly sorry if repeat.

So can anybody actually start something, keep at it, and finish it?

Unless I am extremely motivated, I absolutely cannot. I tend to have a short attention span at times and get distracted easily. Especially when I am drawing. I have so many unfinished drawings. I will start drawing one and then go and start drawing something else and never finish the othe rone.

Are you like this?

I can think of one thing: life. :D

otherwise, nope. Not really. I get distracted easily, too, maybe just a good book or a TV episode. or my homework.

It depends on what I'm doing, if I was reading a good book that I really enjoyed I'd likely read without stopping until it's finished. But if it's school work, etc. I never finish it because it's just boring. You have no idea how many assignments I haven't done or are turned in half completed. >_>

Zomfg, no.

The other day, we were knitting at school and I couldnt do it so I stopped. Left it. And then I started making a card [We were having COTA, where you work with elderly people]. I didnt finish the card either.

But, I can do other things. Such as drawings. But stories? No. Just no. I have a million un-finished stories at the moment.

And, I can stare at the wall forever and never quit on doing that. And when I start eating something, I always finish it.

So yeahhhhhh.

Yus I have like 50 unfinished drawings down the side of the computer desk and I was drawing some doodle right now and I kinda just knocked it down so its now living with the unfinished stuff.. And with books I started reading a book called Whispering to wiches I got to page 2 fell asleep and 2 weeks later I still am not past page 2 an I have know idea where the book is..

Edit: I just found my doodle thingy and relised it looks alot like Dennis the Mennis =D

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Never, especially when it comes to videogames.

I've played hunderds of videogames during my life, and I've finished zero.

No... I'm the WORST person when it comes to that stuff! I love writing stories and stuff, but I have, like, hundreds of stories saved on my computer that aren't finished. And I'll NEVER finish a drawing either, but that's mainly because I am not artistically talented. Same goes with school reports, projects, sometimes even books. :)

Heck no.

The only things I finish generally don't take that long. In school projects and things, my friends end up having to finish pages for me. They're such lovelies, and I'm just too impatient. xD

It's depends - some of my personal project do get left unfinished but I always finish my school stuff. I have to. :D

Nope! I have millions of half-done drawings, stories, etc. I have a very short attention span with most things especially books, I have so many unfinished ones that I started... a year ago o.o

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