Can you whistle?


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I can I'm not sure how to explain it though X3 I'm whistling now lol. :p


If you like spit on your face then no. xD

Yes, very well. <_< But I can't snap. (You would think that to be unrelated but I know a lot of cases...)

When I try to whistle, all that comes out isppppppphhhhhhhhwwwwwwffff
The same exact sound I used to make! ;) LOL

Yeah, I can whistle. :) But I don't seem to use the ability very often..

Yes, i can whistle.

You put your lips together, but leave a little hole for just enough air to get out, then blow. I couldn't, but then i could by doing that.

It'll take a few tries. :)

I can whistle, and I can do that really loud one where you put your fingers in your mouth. (I learned at High School, everyone started doing it so I decided to join in :blink: )

Yes, very well. :lol: But I can't snap. (You would think that to be unrelated but I know a lot of cases...)
Me too. I'm good at whistling and I can't snap. :)


Yes, I can whilstle very well. I can whistle both by sucking air in through my lips, and I can also whistle by blowing air out.

I met a couple girls at church camp named Makayla and Sija who can sound exactly like a pair of birds. Everyone in our dorm thought some birds had gotten in there xD

Anyway, yes I can. I can also snap with my right hand :> Not my left one though.

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