Can't View Grandparent or Get Password? Help!


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Jul 2, 2006
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My tama is a 3 generation.

My first generation has dissappeared from Family.

All i can see in there is my 2nd generation (The parent)

Please help as i want to get the Grand parent Password but i can't because my original parent has disappered????

i think its sposed to go in history.back before i reset it it was on 9th generation and it STILL wouldn`t work :furawatchi: "

did your tamaotchi die? if it dies it goes into history so you can rememberpast tamagotchis...and you can only visit you grandparents so many times before i won't let you any more... it will just say you don't have any. hope thathelps a bit.


it has to die!!?? 0.0 but i don`t like killing my tamas!!!This is messed up! where did you find this out!?

i am having trobles with the history thing as well. my tama ia a 3 gen and his 'grandpa' (my first tama) is under the parent list. why is he not under history? :wacko:

ok, listen in... once your tama dies... it goes onto your history list... your grandparents ALWAYS stay in parents. And NO! dont kill your tamagotchi... i'm just saying that after a while you just can't visit your parents and grandparents


thanks for your replies..

My 1st gen tama didn't die.

On my 2nd gen my 1st gen went into parents (as it should)


on my 3rd gen there is only my 2nd gen as parent.

I go into family and there is only history and parent, is it suppose to say grandparent in there?

i've checked in history and my grandparent isn't in there and it's not in parent either???

It's very annoying cause i can't get my souvenir password.

Does anyone know how to sort this problem or should i just wait until my next gen?

no, there is not meant to be something that says grandparent along with history and family... grand parent SHOULD be in parent... but you're saying its not???

Hi,My tama is a 3 generation.

My first generation has dissappeared from Family.

All i can see in there is my 2nd generation (The parent)

Please help as i want to get the Grand parent Password but i can't because my original parent has disappered????
I'd suggest to wait for the next generation and then see what happens. If the Gen2 parent is off the parent list, that Tama you got might be either a fake or glitchy

I am on the 4th generation and I can't get into the history. I can get a password for the parent but not for the grandparents.

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