Cat Help.


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Active member
Sep 14, 2008
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Under the Full moons Glow
This is a problem, My neighbors kitting, and well heres what happened so far

So her cat delivered her first kitten at like ten after seven, somewhere around there. Then she had the next one 30-40 minutes later. Then 8 and a half hours later they felt a kitten move in her, so it's been like 12 hours exactly since then. But there are Cats still IN her and she's not even trying to birth them.

Any suggestions help? ANYTHING?

And No we can't take her to a vet since we are not even close to one.

I have no clue...

I would say a Vet but...You said one is not in your area x_x

I'm not a vet, But I have had experience with Cats giving birth. When My had kittens Years ago [i no longer have the cat, it ran away, That was like, 4 and a half years ago]

It usually only took about an hour and a half to two hours. Then again, She was Experienced, [she had a few litters before] She only had 3 kittens [One Died]

I Don't really know the Average amount of time It takes a cat to give birth to a kitten/kittens.

I typed in "How long does it take a Cat to give birth?" in Google,

So heres a page , Which hopefully have the information You need.

I'm not an Expert, But When My cat Had her kittens, I just left her alone, Gave her some food and water. I think She'll give birth when she's ready.

Oh and if its her first litter, It can take a while. From what I've read on that page, Cats can start and Stop labor as they please.

I was just going to say what SK did x.x

Okay listen to Sk then ;D

We called a vet and they just said leave her alone in a dark room, we did that and she scratched at the door.

:) This is her second litter, but we now think that it's actually the kits, not her.

We called a vet and they just said leave her alone in a dark room, we did that and she scratched at the door.
:furawatchi: This is her second litter, but we now think that it's actually the kits, not her.
I was also thinking, maybe the others weren't ready to come out.

It seems odd, but it may have happened. I mean, there are women who are in labor for 30+ hours, it could be possible for cats as well I would think.

This is a problem, My neighbors kitting, and well heres what happened so far
So her cat delivered her first kitten at like ten after seven, somewhere around there. Then she had the next one 30-40 minutes later. Then 8 and a half hours later they felt a kitten move in her, so it's been like 12 hours exactly since then. But there are Cats still IN her and she's not even trying to birth them.

Any suggestions help? ANYTHING?

And No we can't take her to a vet since we are not even close to one.
A ) Ssqueez her

B ) bring her 2 vet!

this is SaD! :( :( :D

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A ) Ssqueez herB ) bring her 2 vet!

this is SaD! :( :( :D
Squeezing her would probably do far more damage than just letting her alone

Good luck with the kittens! I know this is a day after you posted but if you do need help, do what SK said and just call a vet. They can give you tips. :p

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