cat names for my kitty!


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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2007
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ok. can you please help me think of some really cute cat names?

here is what i need

1. it can be a boy or a girl name

2. you can say your cat or any animals name

3. you can say as many as you can think of

4. if it is one which rescribs a colour of fur the cat has, e.g tiger for a orange cat please say what colour

thank-you so much for the help


p.s my cat died very resently, and i need to think of cat names... a.s.a.p. :blink:

I have some webkinz.There names are Teady the lilkinz panda bear,flower the lilkinz poodle and,Melony the pegasus,pugy the pug and princess the yorkie.

p.s my cat died very resently
Oh... I'm sorry about that! :D I like the names Mitzi, Olivia, and Tabby. Hahaha, like on Animal Crossing! Also maybe you could name it Tunses if it's a boy after Tunses the cat on Saturday Night Live. I named my b/w webkinz cat Caterina. Or you could name it Katrina, which sounds kind of like Caterina without the extra e-syllable.

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