Cats or Dogs?


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2008
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At Shigure's House
Just wondering. Which you would preffer. I'm going to estimate that there will be more cat fans then dog fans, because the awesome Warriors Cats by Erin Hunter. But that book series has only gotten me closer to dogs.

So yeah, I'm a dog person, you?

I like doggies, mostly because they are much much more active than cats.

I wish I had a puppy, but my mom says that it will poop all over the house and I won't clean it up. ;)

I prefer dogs.Only because they're smarter and cuter.
Try telling that to my dog. XD

Cats, I think. Dogs are definitely NOT smart, they're high maintenance, and jump alot. Cats, however, are smart, low maintenance, and lovable at the same time. <33

I do like dogs to some extent, but I've grown up with cats since I was three.

Try telling that to my dog. XD
Cats, I think. Dogs are definitely NOT smart, they're high maintenance, and jump alot. Cats, however, are smart, low maintenance, and lovable at the same time. <33

I do like dogs to some extent, but I've grown up with cats since I was three.
Dogs ARE TOO smart D< Shirley taught herself how to herd chickens :D I'm so proud

^-^ She finds it more fun to herd chickens then to terrorize them. ANNNNND she's a quick learner.

And proof that dogs can be smart: Guide dogs. Blind people. Deaf people. How often do you see a guide cat? Not to be offencive, but you can't call dogs stupid. At least, not where I'M around XD

.... Not to be offencive or start a flame war or anything, but dogs ARE NOT stupid. Well, okay they're a BIT more work then cats but... Dogs don't scratch your furniture... well... they DO chew the stairs XDDDD ((Dumb Shirley!))

So... Don't say dogs are dumb because of a dog you own. That's just down right WRONG.

........... Wow I can rant.......... OH BUT LAVERNE DOESN'T JUMP!! Only Shirley XDDD Shirley just likes attention and side rubs XDDD

I like both,but I've grown up with 2 or more cats since I was born. I mean,I still like dogs,but the barking makes me wat to claw my eyes out,and I hate it when they jump on people. (Akamaru still rocks!)

I like both,but I've grown up with 2 or more cats since I was born. I mean,I still like dogs,but the barking makes me wat to claw my eyes out,and I hate it when they jump on people. (Akamaru still rocks!)
Yes. I admit, I HATA the barking and jumping.

I like both but I must say at the moment I'm more of a cat person. I am fully obsessed with just watching my cat I can't imagine living without one.

I also love my doggie but it's more fun to watch my cat than my dog just kinda.. lie there .. sleeping. xD

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