Cavities. o:


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I have braces but I've only had one cavity. It was very small though so they just drilled it out in like two minutes. Not a big deal. I have constant canker sores that I've had my whole life. They're terrible!

I have my Dad's teeth, which is excellent.

I have never had a cavity, I do not or ever will need braces, and the dentist says my bite is excellent. ;D

I have a bit of a gap at the front, but it closes a bit each year.


My front two teeth were surgically removed at age three and didn't grow back for another three years. I didn't learn to brush by myself until I was seven. Sometimes I brush to the point of bleeding and sometimes I'll either be too lazy or too tired to do so. I won't floss unless a dentist does it for me. My slightly yellowish teeth probably owe it all to these bad habits. But I haven't gotten a cavity since '08. I guess I'm pretty careful with hygiene now.


Here comes me, the good little girl.. xD

At Fifteen..

No cavities, no fillings, no braces, and my teeth are almost perfectly straight. I have nad no teeth removed.

They're also pretty white.

Not so good, however..

I went to the dentist for the first time in FOUR YEARS in November.

But, I made up for it, since even after that much time, I needed nothing done =D

Twice/ Thrice daily for about four minutes each brush, mothwash and sometime floss. Obsessed much? xD

No cavities. Though I have had a retainer, but no braces.

I've had one cavity.

When I was about seven or so.

I'm actually missing two teeth atm. Been missing them my whole life. But I've recently had a dental check-up and the dentist said it looks fine and will remain okay, so I'm not gonna need braces or anything. I used to have pretty bad teeth problems.. my two front teeth had a huuuge gap inbetween eachother. But they straightened up, and now my mouth and teeth are fine :D

My Dad's 47, and still has two baby teeth O:

I was at the dentist today. to get my teeth cleaned. Because I don't brush them. Call me gross, it won't change me as a person

They [the dentist] counted 8 cavites today, if I don't get my front teeth fixed, they'll decay. And I'll lose my front teeth.

I had loads when I was younger, but all the teeth that had to get fillings were baby teeth. I don't have any in my adult teeth :)

One of my molars got really badly infected when I was about seven, lol. I was freaking out about it, but didn't tell anyone (the gum was swollen and bled almost all the time and stuff). I went to the dentist and they were horrified. I had to get it removed the next day.

I think I had two.. or was it one? That was like when I was in second grade. The shot they inserted into my gum didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't notice this was old so lock this or whatever

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I've never had a cavity so far.

But I had to get my teeth pulled last Thursday (two of them), and I'm getting two more pulled on Tuesday. I hate it. But half of my mouth stays numb for about an hour afterwards, and I have to admit that's kind of fun. C:

Nope. :)

But I might need braces in the future. My front two bottom teeth are really crooked. xD They grew infront of/behind eachother. One is pushed forward and the other is pushed back. ._.


I've had lots. But I brush my teeth every morning and night, and also floss every night. I've probably had.. 5-8? But my mom had 10 or something, and she grew up to be a DENTIST. And I don't really have yellow/brown teeth or anything.. so, yeah.

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