Chain letters?


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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
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Okay this is a question about chain letters that has been bothering me so much. >.<


If you get a chain letter or see a chain letter, do you believe in it? Do you really go and send it to 10 other people or post it around a site? I know people that do and I find it very weird they believe in that stuff.


I really don't know why but this question has been bothering me a lot. D:

Not reall- I don't belive in it. :F

But ther was this one thing, it said at the very end, 'If you deny god infront of your friends, I will deny you infront of my father.' Which made me re-post- but thats it. =]

I never believe in those annoying chain letters, especially the ones in YouTube. I never react to them by doing what they tell us to do.

No I don't believe in them they are just spam letters to me. :) I just ignore them too I really don't care about them lol!

I really don't give a dang about them. :/

There just so annoying! >_<"

And they spam up my email box. D:~

Besides, why would I believe what those crazy gibberish chain-letters say anyway? o.o"

I get them on my cell phone. IF its like a friendship one, i send them to my friends to be nice and show them i care. Scary ones....oh my. I got a few of those. Like " you will die if you dont send this to 10 or so people". I dont believe in them. Your not cursed or anything if you dont send a Text to someone. I dont believe in them. I highly reccomend delated those ones. A parent or someone might see that you sent it to his or her son/daughter and might get in trouble. Chain Letters. Dont do em. They dont work!

I get a tonne of them, but I don't respond to it. I got chain mail from my friend and all that rubbish. Even if its from my friends, I don't bother :)


I think some people make chain letters just to scare you. But I really hate them someone sent me one on here the other day I just deleted it and blocked them.

i didnt know wat a chain letter was until my mom told me. it sounds weird and why would i belive in those if im not superstitious? it sounds like it would be a "bad luck charm" for superstitious people.

Seems as if the most don't. I think it's a waste of time..but also I guess it can be fun. xD

No. Not normally, But I did do one (recently posted about it if you saw that topic) and it worked. Not a mere cioncidence? Eh, could be... But it was pretty weird that it said that the second you get done reading this your phone will ring. It did. Then send it to 5 people and make a wish. I wished that my friend would call me, I go downstairs and grab my phone, the SECOND I do it starts to ring.


I HATE the scary ones.But other than that,they're fine with me.

And as for the ones on YouTube,how am I supossed to post them if I'm only 9?

100% No. Okay..maybe a little. No make that a !00% no again. Some MySpace ones are SOOOO scary though. I couldn't sleep that night.

There was one that actually (freakishly) came true.

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