Character Guides and Bios?


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Jan 12, 2007
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I was just thinking, we see biographies, little description stuff about the various Tamagotchi characters - is anyone collecting this information anywhere on a fansite? It would be kind of cool if someone where to make a Tamagotchi website featuring the personality flavor bios of all the Tama characters. There are so many, it's hard to keep track. @_@ Also, if anyone knows a bit of Japanese, some name translations would be kind of cool, too. It's not like you need to know this stuff to play the games, but it's nice nonetheless, I think.

Anyways, I know of a coupl of name meanings:

ShiroBabytchi (White Baby)

Marutchi (circle)

Ichigotchi (Strawberry)

Tarakotchi (Fishlips - more or less)

Mametchi (Bean? Not sure)

Hanatchi (Nose)

Mimitchi (Ears)

Gozarutchi (Gozaru is to Ninjas what "Y'all" is to cowboys, essentially)

Kuribotchi (Chestnut)

Ringotchi (Apple)

Hinotamachi (Fireball)

Oyajitchi (Middleaged man)

Ojitchi (Old man)

Otokitchi (Old woman)

Mizutamatchi (Waterball)

Kutchitamatchi (Mouthball)

Tamatchi (Ball)

Obotchi (Boy)

Patapatatchi (Flapflap)

Kurokotchi (Black child)

Nyatchi (Meow)

Chomametchi (Supermametchi)

Hohotchi (Hoothoot)

Ojotchi (Girl)

Togetchi (Spike)

Yattatchi (Yay!)

ShimaShimatchi (Stipestripe)

Minotchi (Worm)

Anyways, that's all I know. Anyone know of a sort of "Tamadex" site that lists name origins and translated bios instead of growth charts? : o

if you go to a search engine you'll probbly find the answer,,,etc.

There are a few character bios in the character charts here. :D


Furawatchi = this is how Japanese would go about the English word 'flower'. Ls are more like Rs in Japanese, and the U... well, it just has to be there. Even though it is silent. So it would sound like: Frawatchi, which sounds very similar to Flowerchi. :lol:

Ojitchi = more like older uncle than old man.

Oyajitchi =more like old man, it can also mean boss or senior.

Hinatchi = little bird

Tsunotchi = horn

Debatchi = tooth

Nazotchi = riddle/puzzle/mystery

Btw, about Mametchi... 'mame' has a few meanings. Yes, it can mean bean or even pea. However, in this case I think it's more towards the other meaning: hardworking, loyal, devoted. :D

Your translations are pretty good, by the way. I don't speak much Japanese but I know basics and I once taught myself the Hiragana writing system. :lol: I'm planning on taking Japanese at University.

Ja ne!

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