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Cheerleading topic!

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I know how alot of people bash cheerleading so people only interested in cheer should be here. thanks :eek:

Is anyone a cheerleader? Are you a football, basketball, or competetion cheerleader?

Nope. I'm not a cheerleader.

And I don't plan to be one, either.

Most want-to-be cheerleader's are the stuck up snots of the class that don't know a microwave from a cucumber... seriously.

Plus I've never met a red-head cheerleader before. And I don't think I want to start that trend... >.>

So no. I'm not a cheerleader, nor do I plan to become one.

,April 23, 2010 06:30 pm] Nope. I'm not a cheerleader.And I don't plan to be one, either.

Most want-to-be cheerleader's are the stuck up snots of the class that don't know a microwave from a cucumber... seriously.

Plus I've never met a red-head cheerleader before. And I don't think I want to start that trend... >.>

So no. I'm not a cheerleader, nor do I plan to become one.
Uh, I beg to differ with you on that one buddy. Granted, there might be stuck up people that happen to be cheerleaders, but being a cheerleader does not make you a snob. That's just a stupid stereotype that you see everywhere on TV. The cheerleaders at my high school are very nice. (Okay, there's only like four, but still, XD) One of my good friends is on the squad and she will be captain next year. And she's a really nice girl. (Boy-crazy, yes, but she's the farthest thing from a snob.) We are a pretty big school, but many girls choose not to do cheer leading cause it super expensive and very time consuming. Most people are too busy (or lazy) to do it.

But as for me, no. I am not a cheerleader. I'm in colorguard. We preform at halftime with the band and we spin and do tricks with rifles and swords and flags. Pretty cool stuff. Much more impressive than cheerleading in my opinion. XD Nothing against yall, lol. You guys have to have some crazy stamina. Our cheerleaders are jumping around and screaming and cheer the whole football game. Which is like three or four hours long.

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Uh, I beg to differ with you on that one buddy. Granted, there might be stuck up people that happen to be cheerleaders, but being a cheerleader does not make you a snob. That's just a stupid stereotype that you see everywhere on TV. The cheerleaders at my high school are very nice. (Okay, there's only like four, but still, XD) One of my good friends is on the squad and she will be captain next year. And she's a really nice girl. (Boy-crazy, yes, but she's the farthest thing from a snob.) We are a pretty big school, but many girls choose not to do cheer leading cause it super expensive and very time consuming. Most people are too busy (or lazy) to do it.
Yes, that's true.

I'm just saying all of the want-to-be's I know in real life.

All of them that I know [real life] are blond, preppy, 60-70 grade average, and boy-crazy.

No arguments with you. I do know that there can be "nice" cheerleaders out there.

Unfortunately, have never met one.

' date='April 24, 2010 04:44 pm'] Yes, that's true.I'm just saying all of the want-to-be's I know in real life.

All of them that I know [real life] are blond, preppy, 60-70 grade average, and boy-crazy.

No arguments with you. I do know that there can be "nice" cheerleaders out there.

Unfortunately, have never met one.
That may be true at your school, but at my school the majority of the cheerleaders are A and B honors students. It's considered "uncool" at my school to slack :/

Some of the cheerleaders at my school are stuck up, but most of them are really nice :]

I don't cheer, but I used to dance and tumble when I was younger. It makes me appreciate what the cheerleaders do - it's not easy!

Please get to know the sport before you trash it.

Cheerleading takes the utmost psychical and mental skill. You have to stay concentrated and focused to know what you're going to do next. You have to be prepared for anything coming your way. My gym told us, if you're going to be a sissy, get out. Most uptight and preppy cheerleaders I know, stink. You've only met the school cheerleaders most likely. Once you join a regular competing team, you'll learn what the sport is really about. Once you join you won't want to quit. Your team becomes your family. The gym becomes your home. You breathe, eat, sleep, and talk cheer.

Don't listen to those stereotypes on TV. They wouldn't know cheerleading if a flier came down on their face.

P.S. : Cheer is my life. Before you trash it I'd like to see you juggle cheer practice 5 days a week, 3 hours a day, while doing homework, going to school, and trying to get the right amount of sleep. Also, on top of that, pay $2000 for a year while your father is the only one working because your mother is sick, and barely getting by just so you could do the sport you truly love.

Long speech, but I just don't like people trash talking about things before they even try it.

Please get to know the sport before you trash it.
Cheerleading takes the utmost psychical and mental skill. You have to stay concentrated and focused to know what you're going to do next. You have to be prepared for anything coming your way. My gym told us, if you're going to be a sissy, get out. Most uptight and preppy cheerleaders I know, stink. You've only met the school cheerleaders most likely. Once you join a regular competing team, you'll learn what the sport is really about. Once you join you won't want to quit. Your team becomes your family. The gym becomes your home. You breathe, eat, sleep, and talk cheer.

Don't listen to those stereotypes on TV. They wouldn't know cheerleading if a flier came down on their face.

P.S. : Cheer is my life. Before you trash it I'd like to see you juggle cheer practice 5 days a week, 3 hours a day, while doing homework, going to school, and trying to get the right amount of sleep. Also, on top of that, pay $2000 for a year while your father is the only one working because your mother is sick, and barely getting by just so you could do the sport you truly love.

Long speech, but I just don't like people trash talking about things before they even try it.
Took the words out of my mouth. While football throws balls, we throw girls! Memorizing dances and routines, practicing tumbling for countless hours, dedication. But I would not trade cheer for anything.

I like them, but I hate them when they are in (college) marching bands. I think it's HIGHLY unnecessary for them to be in band when they have guard (plus, all the cheerleaders do is stand there... they don't march like guard -_- ).

Please note, I DO consider it a sport, but not when they are used in marching bands, as they do not march, or do any 'moves' (that's what you call them, amirite?).

I think it's also pretty cool, but I can't do it since I have band and such (I think doing moves in a uniform would be hard. xD).

I've never done cheerleading. It's just not my thing, to be honest. Besides, there isn't a cheerleading squad in my school as far as I know. I think there's a cheerleading club in the city near my crummy little town, but that's about it. I don't think us Scots are as eager as you Americans/Canadians/Whatever when it comes to school football games and stuff. xD

I just saw a commercial where high school cheerleaders all around the country are making special needs squads at their school. Just goes to show how not all cheerleaders are snobs. ;]

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I'm a cheerleader and I do it year round. Basketball/Football/and Competition. I hate when people say it's not a sport and not hard. They don't know. The ones who say that have never done it. Cheerleading is the best sport I've ever done and my squad is my family. If they weren't I don't think I could stand to be with them 5 days a weeek.

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A few of my good friends are cheerleaders. They do competitions and are actually quite good.

I feel really bad for my friends though cause people bash them all the time for cheerleading. People thinks its dumb and not a sport and even though I'm not a cheerleader myself I still think it's a sport that is just as challenging as any other.

So I support cheerleaders. :D

I cheer for my school. I don't make it my life, but its fun. The girls on my team are just as dorky as anyone else...not saying anyone is a dork here but they're pretty normal except for just a few, but thats how it is.

I'm fine if you want to cheer, but cheerleading gets unnecessarily dangerous sometimes with the kind of moves they do, such as in (hardcore???) cheerleading competitions. It kind of gets on my nerves when people full-out support those things, because it could probably result in serious injuries. That's why my local high school doesn't have a cheerleading team. Or any clubs or anything, as far as I know.

I don't support cheerleading with stunts that are too big, but as long as it's kept tame it's not so bad. I'm not planning on ever being on a cheerleading team, though.

^ I actually did break my arm cheerleading once. I was the flyer (still am) and the bases got confused and didn't catch me correctly. It wouldn't have been bad but my bones are so tiny my arm just snapped.

I feel like the fact that it's dangerous adds to the thrill of being a cheerleader. I've been kicked and landed on as a baser or backer and yeah, it hurts. But we really just tough it out and suck it up. If you're going to be this huge crybaby, don't bother.

I know a girl who cried after falling from a SQUISH. That's pathetic. A squish is where your bases are holding you like 2 feet max off the ground, and your like tucked in with your head up, as if you were crouching.

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