Christmas Chat~


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2007
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St. Albert, Alberta
I know, its very early to start a topic about this but what the heck, I'll do it anyway.

This is a topic for you to talk about anything that has to do with Christmas, it could be what you're doing on Christmas, what decorations your putting up, anything!

I'm looking forward to not having to go to school for a week or so xD, and spending time with my family. I love to decorate for Christmas as well.

The Christmas holidays are awesome! We get a 6 week break.

Christmas is always great. We get up at like 3am to get the presents! Then we go to the beach, have a barbeque or have fish and chips for lunch. Its one of the only times we see our relatives.

Aw illiey12 Just try to enjoy cristmas even if your mum dos'ent.

Anywayz.. I am really looking forward to cristmas I think this one will be the best because I'm getting every thing I want I'm not spoiled or anything but i'v wanted an iPod for ages and my phone is broken so yeah.

We also get a month of of school starting the 12th of December because we're moving schools like they built a new one and we're moving into it. Some classes also get a bit more time of because of home rooms.

The only bad side is about my relatives I only get to see my 4 cuz's my aunt and my Nan those are the realatives I always see like twice a fornight so I wish I could see my Cuz's who live somewere else far away ^_^

But yeah I'm just really exited!


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YESH! I love decorating, then I buy presents for friends. 10+ presents and I need to save up atleast 200 if I wanna get that much presents. o.o

Then after Christmas, it's Back to School shopping. I love the book covers and the pencil cases with a black and pink pattern. :3

And at the end of January, I'll be Year 9. ^_^


I honestly hate Christmas x.x;

Between the music, the excuse to over eat and the family that constantly bothers you, when the time of year comes around I just want to dig myself a hole and crawl in.

Unfortunately I'll be living at my grandparent's house this Christmas. The place where the whole family gathers >.< So I have no escape.

Well Ill try to enjoy christmas, but my mum wouldnt let me go anywhere on my own so Ill be stuck with my mum crying and ranting all day. As much as I try to help her, she'll always say that nothing will work and then she'll just cry. But hoefully christmas will be ok.

I can't wait for Christmas!

We don't have to do much because we stay at our Grandparents, and they organize it all, but I still like to help out with everything. ^_^

Yes!! Im using it right now. Its a....*drum rolls*..MINI LAPTOP!!

My mum paid $100 for it, my brother paid $100, my dad paid $100 and i paid $100. It was meant to be $600 but I got a discount cuz my brother works at the place where I got it (Harvey Norman).

I love Christmas. All the Christmas cheer, the love, the family, but most of all, it's Jesus's birthday!! What could be better?! Alot of people only think that it's about Santa... but it's not... ^_^

I honestly hate Christmas x.x;Between the music, the excuse to over eat and the family that constantly bothers you, when the time of year comes around I just want to dig myself a hole and crawl in.

Unfortunately I'll be living at my grandparent's house this Christmas. The place where the whole family gathers >.< So I have no escape.
Couldn't disagree with you more!

For me, Christmas is the best time of the year! There's nothing I love more than all the delicious food that comes out (not an 'excuse to over-eat' but a chance to indulge yourself in some gorgeous FOOD!), the beautiful lights and decorations everywhere (I adore putting up and seeing the Christmas trees), the way you can buy cool Christmas cards and send them to all your friends and family, getting together with everyone, Christmas music that really puts you in the mood, our school's annual Christmas production, cute Christmas outfits and warm Winter clothes, PRESENTS (of course!), the excited feeling you get on Christmas morning when you see your stocking filled, Christmas parties and plays, and the way everything is cheerful and happy.

But the most important part is that it is Jesus Christ's birthday! =D I know Jesus wasn't actually born on the 25th December exactly, but it's the day when the world can celebrate his birth and give thanks to him!! This can happen on any day, of course, but there's nothing like Christmas day!!! =)


I am looking forward to the gifts.

I'm not trying to be selfish or anything. xD But, there has been quite of things I've been dying to get, and my mom keeps telling me to wait until Christmas.

I love Christmas. The lights, the family get-togethers...and how everything is so cheerful! ;D

Couldn't disagree with you more!

For me, Christmas is the best time of the year! There's nothing I love more than all the delicious food that comes out (not an 'excuse to over-eat' but a chance to indulge yourself in some gorgeous FOOD!), the beautiful lights and decorations everywhere (I adore putting up and seeing the Christmas trees), the way you can buy cool Christmas cards and send them to all your friends and family, getting together with everyone, Christmas music that really puts you in the mood, our school's annual Christmas production, cute Christmas outfits and warm Winter clothes, PRESENTS (of course!), the excited feeling you get on Christmas morning when you see your stocking filled, Christmas parties and plays, and the way everything is cheerful and happy.

But the most important part is that it is Jesus Christ's birthday! =D I know Jesus wasn't actually born on the 25th December exactly, but it's the day when the world can celebrate his birth and give thanks to him!! This can happen on any day, of course, but there's nothing like Christmas day!!! =)

I heard Jesus was born in October sometime.

Well, I can't get 'warm winter clothes' over her, because it's Summer!

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