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Dec 3, 2007
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United States
Does anyone else hate Christmas, everything and anything to do with it?

I think it's a horrid holiday that should go and die. D:

Ok, not really die. But I still think it's horrible.

Anyone have any thoughts? :angry:

Does anyone else hate Christmas, everything and anything to do with it?I think it's a horrid holiday that should go and die. D:

Ok, not really die. But I still think it's horrible.

Anyone have any thoughts? :hitodetchi:
Yup. I dont hate christmas but I certainly dont enjoy it.

Please dont ask why though. Its to personal.

Care to explain this hatred? o...O

I love both the religous and secular aspects of Christmas. ^...^ Although I wish that it was still "okay" to say Merry Christmas and not be feared of being sued or something. >...>

And in all actuallity, It did die, but then rose again. ;]

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I love Christmas, but there's a couple things that get me down.

Like, I always feel so horrible getting an expensive gift from my parents, especially from my mom. Like she works so hard, but never gets time for herself, and I don't have a lot of money to buy her stuff. Plus I have no craft creativity so making something would just look dumb.

Also I feel bad for all those kids who don't get anything, and I'm worried about getting the perfect camera, pfft. I'm a horrible person..

okay one reason I don't like christmas is 1) I don't celebrate it cuz im muslim sooo....technically i cant LIKE it, u know? 2) It's just an excuse for kids to get stuff...mostly. 3) Parents have to spend all that xtra money for nothing when it could be going to better causes like ummm I don't know...HELPING THE KIDS IN SOUTH AFRICA WHO EAT LIKE 25 CENTS WORTH OF FOOD EACH DAY???!!!! 4) Christmas isn't really the birth of is an old Pegan holiday. (My sister who is in Advanced Placement World Studies told me that fact and plus i've heard it from other sources!) THAT IS WHY I DON'T LIKE CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Chatterbox ^3^

I do not want to know why you would hate Christmas.

That's like saying you hate ... Halloween.


Its about the recieving and giving. How we all spend money on others. I like Christmas.

The family I never see swings around from Texas, OK, other states.



@ my house, the best part is probaly the cats puking tinsle XD;;

Its fun to see Grandma not so flustered and angry about it because of the Holidays. It gets all my family who are in sour moods up to spirit~

okay one reason I don't like christmas is 1) I don't celebrate it cuz im muslim sooo....technically i cant LIKE it, u know? 2) It's just an excuse for kids to get stuff...mostly. 3) Parents have to spend all that xtra money for nothing when it could be going to better causes like ummm I don't know...HELPING THE KIDS IN SOUTH AFRICA WHO EAT LIKE 25 CENTS WORTH OF FOOD EACH DAY???!!!! 4) Christmas isn't really the birth of is an old Pegan holiday. (My sister who is in Advanced Placement World Studies told me that fact and plus i've heard it from other sources!) THAT IS WHY I DON'T LIKE CHRISTMAS!!!!!
Chatterbox ^3^
Yeah, being Muslim is a good reason not to celebrate Christmas, lol.

And indeed, they set the date during a pagan holiday, BUT that does not mean that it didn't happen, it's not this or that, it's not about it, etc. No one really knows what day Jesus was born on. A pope actually declared that Christmas would be celebrated on December 25, trying to turn the pagans that were in Rome at the time into Christians. I cannot say I exactly agree with this type of reasoning, we are supposed to thank Jesus everyday for what he has given to us anyways.

Although it is not the exact date, it does not mean that Jesus was never born. Either way, we'd still celebrate his birth and the day really doesn't matter. It's not like we turned the holiday just "cuz we felt like it" to be fraudilent during this time, but because of the uncertenty of what day it really was and that the transformation, the Pope figured, from paganism to Christianity wouldn't be so painful.

Actually, it's not really disputable that Jesus never lived to begin with. We know he was here on earth at some time but it's up to you to decide who he really was.


*My thoughts and beliefs may or may not be in line with this website organization but proves to be helpful in understanding a little bit of the history behind the whole pagan-Christmas deal*

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Wow that's deep. Now that we're talking about Jesus and many of you think that Jesus is the son of God? I don't..well I believe that Jesus is a prophet or a messenger of God...not his son. How could God have a son anyway. We know so little about God. It is said in Islam that we don't even know what God's gender is said that he is too divine to even be dubbed with some gender...although many of us call him "he". OH YEAH...BTW...what I hate is when people practically substitute God for Jesus! Jesus is not God! Jesus is JESUS!

Chatterbox who is thinking VEEEEEERRRRY deeply at the moment!


Wow that's deep. Now that we're talking about Jesus and many of you think that Jesus is the son of God? I don't..well I believe that Jesus is a prophet or a messenger of God...not his son. How could God have a son anyway. We know so little about God. It is said in Islam that we don't even know what God's gender is said that he is too divine to even be dubbed with some gender...although many of us call him "he". OH YEAH...BTW...what I hate is when people practically substitute God for Jesus! Jesus is not God! Jesus is JESUS!
Chatterbox who is thinking VEEEEEERRRRY deeply at the moment!

It's a bit off topic but yes, we believe way differently from you. God doesn't have a gender but if it's either man or woman. Not really an inbetween. He isn't a physical son. Trinity deal. We believe Jesus is God and is God's son through the trinity and we beleive this because God told us.

I'd love to discuss this with you but this isn't really the right place. Pm me if you would like to continues. :]

I'm not a fan of Christmas.

It seems to bring out the worst in people :/

All the parents are rushing around trying to get their brat children the 'newest and best' toys around.

Christmas music also drives me nuts. I can't stand it D:

In my eyes, Christmas is just another stolen Pagan holiday that everyone tries to revolve around a guy in the clouds and some fat man who breaks into your house and leaves you presents :|

I'm not a fan of Christmas.
It seems to bring out the worst in people :/

All the parents are rushing around trying to get their brat children the 'newest and best' toys around.

Christmas music also drives me nuts. I can't stand it D:

In my eyes, Christmas is just another stolen Pagan holiday that everyone tries to revolve around a guy in the clouds and some fat man who breaks into your house and leaves you presents :|
Well that makes' sense.

I love it, everything. Sharing, family crap, everything. Even the amazing waking up at 5 am!

I'm not a fan of Christmas.
It seems to bring out the worst in people :/

All the parents are rushing around trying to get their brat children the 'newest and best' toys around.

Christmas music also drives me nuts. I can't stand it D:

In my eyes, Christmas is just another stolen Pagan holiday that everyone tries to revolve around a guy in the clouds and some fat man who breaks into your house and leaves you presents :|
That made me laugh about the fat man breaking into your house XD

Christmas is not about those reasons (except Jesus's birth), It's about giving and recieving, family, friends, presents and helping, sharing and caring.

I don't care if you don't like Christmas. I respect you. :(

Personally, I love Christmas. I love family and all reasons why. I'm glad you chose to give you opinion. I respect people who have to show there opinions. :)


I'm not a fan of Christmas.
It seems to bring out the worst in people :/

All the parents are rushing around trying to get their brat children the 'newest and best' toys around.

Christmas music also drives me nuts. I can't stand it D:

In my eyes, Christmas is just another stolen Pagan holiday that everyone tries to revolve around a guy in the clouds and some fat man who breaks into your house and leaves you presents :|
LMAO. Well... yeah, thats a very good opinion.

1) Brat children. xD So true.

2) Drives you nuts. I does that to everyone. lol

3) A guy in the clouds. XD

4) Fat man who breaks in and leaves presents. LMAO


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