Cleaning your tamagotchi


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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Hi tamafans!

You take care of your tama every day and most of you bring it almost everywhere you go. Have you realised that little specks of dust and other grime ends up on your tama?

Well, to clean it/get rid of them, simply get a blob of blu-tack and stick them away!

I do this daily.

It sure works!

u can use play-doh instead rite? or even that tacky stuff 2 stick glow-in-the-dark stars on ur wall... :furawatchi:

(make sure 2 use white play-doh so u dont dirty ur tamagotchi) ;)

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i have a lot of that stuff and never thought of cleaning my tama with that! lol thanks! :furawatchi:

You can also use Windex and a soft cloth (such as an old shirt... don't use paper towel or tissue - it scratches the screen) to clean the screen. If you notice any imperfections on the shell of your Tama, you can use clear nail polish to fill them in. ;) .

I also heard that toothpaste can take the scratches away from the screen. But I've never tried this, so I cannot back it up. :furawatchi: .

Thanks for the tips! ;)

I am going to try them all on my version two tamagotchi because it is quite dirty at the moment. lol. B)



-sk8er girl- :furawatchi:

Thanks for the tips! ;) I am going to try them all on my version two tamagotchi because it is quite dirty at the moment. lol. B)



-sk8er girl- :ph34r:
Me too!!

*tama star* :wacko:

well i call it blu-track, but saying that i live in the uk, thanx for the tip! i tried everything to get that dirt off!

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