Cleb look-a-like?


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2006
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In a world I call my life
Do you look like a cleb or someone famous? Post a picture of you and the person you look like to show TT.

Note: I do not I just thought it would be cool to see if anyone was.

Gosh ppl @ my school say i look likefergie i just wanna cry erry time they say that! :ph34r: :mellow:

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My family says I look like the 13 year old version of Lindsay Lohan... I can kind of see the resemblance... :) ...It's kinda weird. And it sucks cuz she's a dope freak.

Tons of people even strangers tell me Im pretty or look like a model...

I cant believe how many people are sad? lol

You should be proud of what you look like, I am sure you're pretty. Why do you want to cry? Next time you should just say ok and move on.
I wanna cry cause she had plastic Surgy on her face! :) it lookslike i had plastic surgy! *sob*

My friends tell me I look like Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail. Coz I have short blonde spiky hair. Not reeely short, bout just above my ears, and layered.

Am trying to talk my mum into letting me dye it black!!

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really, i dont, i have mileys teeth exact and her face shape and her lips and her nose but our eyes are just alittle different

I don't look like anyone... that I know of.. but my brother looks like Harry Potter when he wears glasses! (er... he used to... he got braces and his face straightened up....)

but now... (for anyone who knows naruto well.... =-P) he looks like Sai.... lol. He really does.. he could do a perfect cosplay if he would let me straighten his hair and if he got his braces removed... trust me... he even acts like him...


well u have 2 see me in reall life. u have 2 get the full effect! lol
I've seen you in real, being a best friend and all, and I don't see a resembance to her at all. Come to think of it, you didn't either. Her teeth are kinda like yours, not exact, face shape most everyone does I'm sure, her lips, a bit smaller, and nose I'm not sure. xD But a little bit you look like her, not exactly though. Your more like a Hayden Peniterre as tamatalker101 said.

I don't know who I look like really, no one has even said I look like anyone before.

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