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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2008
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Earth. I think.
In TamaTown, I noticed that there are things you can click on that do random and cute things, so I decided to make a list! Feel free to post the ones I missed!


(Note: The Music City screens are numbered based on what order I visited them; it's not the official number or anything)



Entrance screen (where the apartments are)

♦You can click on the garbage bin next to the entrance to the apartments to see what's in there

♦If you roll over the pictures of the Tamagotchi Faces near the entrance to Music City, they will change

♦If you roll over the face on the apartment building, it will startle it

Music City screen 1 (where the concert hall is)

♦You can click on the fire hydrant next to Club Pop to get it to spray water all over (I don't know how to get it to turn off, though)

♦You can click on the blue trash can above the battle stage to make it tip over, mortifying the poor trash can

Music City screen 2 (Where the instrument shop, called the Gotchi Guitar, is)

♦You can click on the grey and white trash bins near the bottom corner of the screen to make them stack on top of each other

♦You can click on the bushes outside of the cloths/furniture/toy (called the Funky Gotchi) shop to make them sprout flowers

♦You can roll over the big sign on the Gotchi Guitar to make it play the guitar

Music City screen 3 (where Gotchi Records is)

♦You can click on the pink stereo on the beach to make it play music (click it again to make it stop)

♦You can click on the palm trees in the upper right corner to make them ruffle their leaves and drop coconuts (click on the coconuts to get them back on the tree)

Music City screen 4 (where the Theater is)

♦You can click on the big black light post next to the fountain to make it jiggle

♦If you click on the grass between the Jazz Festival sign and the Fence for the drum stage, a weird tama with a shovel will pop out (Does anyone know what it is?)

Music City screen 5 (where GPAS is located)

♦You can click on the two yellow and blue trash bins by the right edge of the screen to make them juggle trash

♦You can click on the statue near the right side of the school to make it come alive

Inside the Concert Hall

♦You can click on the golden statue to make it come alive (that's the only one in the buildings I've found so far)

Inside the Funky Gotchi

♦You can click on the lamp near Mamamemetchi to turn it on (Found by furbitchi! Thanks for sharing!)

Swirly Sweet City

♦You can click on the upper part of the four light posts to turn them on

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Wow! This is really helpful, some of these things I alredy knew, (like the fire hydrant, etc..), but most I didnt. Fun! Thanks for posting!


I didn't knew there's click-ables in the park!

Did you found all of those yourself?

I noticed some of these <_< I think it's cool that Bandai added those extra effects. It would be neat if it actually turned night time (dark) when the time came.

~shawdy~ :huh:

Wow, I didn't expect 7 replies overnight!


To kuchipatchi love:



To musta lintu32:

Yes, I did find these all on my own. It took a while to do!


To furbitchi:

Awesome! I figured that I probably missed some. Thanks for sharing!


To ShAwDy_1:

That's a great idea! The city would look so cool at night! You should suggest that to Bandai!


To Asiangotchi:

Huh, that didn't work on my computer.

Cool! I didn't even know you can click things in the Park! :eek: Very useful, thanks Pikachi! :D Oh yeah, I also found another click-able. :D

Music City's Park:

You click on the grass behind the Pink Guitaritchi and a leaf will pop out, click on it again and a Tamagotchi will come out. Click on it AGAIN and it will go in the grass.

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Hey guys! They just finished making the new areas for the TamaGo, so I went looking for more click-ables! I was startled to find that Flower Hills park doesn't seem to have ANY, and that Forest falls only has one (click on the faces hanging from the tree to make them do things) If anyone finds some, don't hesitate to add them to the list!

The two Tamagotchi's in the Music City Theater Park are Moguratchi (V5 Kuchipa Family Pet, one with a Shovel) and Hatugatchi (V5 Adult Character, one with a Leaf). Also, you forgot to add memetchi


Another update, you can turn of the Hydrant in Music City 1 by clicking on it several times.


I also found a new click-able. While attempting to click on the Palm Trees to drop Coconuts in the Gotchi Record's area, I found that sometimes if you click on the trees, instead of a Coconut dropping, one of the King's Guards will climb down and back up the tree! :)

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I would add memetchi<3's addition to the list, but I can't edit that post anymore!


Thanks for sharing the coconut tree thing and how to turn the water off! I think I annoyed other players by just leaving it on

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I was feeling a little nostalgic, so I went to some of the old TamaTowns today, and guess what I found???


Travel Agency

You can roll over the flags on the globe to make stars come off them

(I haven't found any more in v3 TamaTown, please share any you find!)



Parent's house

You can roll over the side table near the couch and Onionchi will appear

If you roll over the cell phone on the coffee table, it starts ringing

(I couldn't find any more here either, and the one in the Travel Agency didn't work in v4 tamatown)


You can click on all the Tamas with a "!" over their head to make them say hello in different languages

(If you find more, don't hesitate to post them!)

I found a new one from Music City:

Inside the GPAS

If you put mouse on the computer there's

little face and text "welcome" in that computer.

there are a whole bunch of new ones just released

cocert hall click on the mayor of tamatown and he falls of the statue same for the one of him outside the school and I don't know if this has already been found but if you click on the monkeys or animals in forest falls they swing from tree to tree

There's one clickable what others can see too.

There's fire hydrant in downtown and all can see that when you click it.

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