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There is no such thing as aliens but they have found out that on other planets there might be some type of creatures. Definateley not aliens though.

There is no such thing as aliens but they have found out that on other planets there might be some type of creatures. Definateley not aliens though.
Then define alien.

dictionary definition:

al·ien /ˈeɪlyən, ˈeɪliən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[eyl-yuhn, ey-lee-uhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun 1. a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquired citizenship by naturalization (distinguished from citizen).

2. a foreigner.

3. a person who has been estranged or excluded.

4. a creature from outer space; extraterrestrial.

–adjective 5. residing under a government or in a country other than that of one's birth without having or obtaining the status of citizenship there.

6. belonging or relating to aliens: alien property.

7. unlike one's own; strange; not belonging to one: alien speech.

8. adverse; hostile; opposed (usually fol. by to or from): ideas alien to modern thinking.

9. extraterrestrial.

widely, as in someone different. not some other life form in the vast depths of the entire universe aiming to take down all other forms of beings and steal kid's videogame controllers.

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yeah, yeah, we got a christmas tree. mom made us. mom has extreme powers for making us want to do something. but we don't even celebrate christmas. oh well. it gives me the creeps, okay? i guess i just don't like trees. a lot of things have been have been creeping me out lately, strange stuff. my friend keeps repeting "pass the mustard!" mustard? and dad. he keeps talking about this "hot rod". and the entire family! they always want to see movies. MOVIES? but those aren't the weirdest things. this is:

it started a few nights ago. every night, i would have this dream. i would be pinkish, pudgy, and hideousely ugly. i had no good form of transport, just cars and walking. then i would wake up. then i coulden't forget about the dream the entire day. i'd be practically living it, just not physically. then comes cow. one day, after another horrible day at school, theres this big black-polkadotty thing. it thought: "i cow. i cow. i cow. moo." then it would say "MOO!" then it would start licking our reddish-orange ground as if looking for something. that thing would haunt me in my dreams. but finally, i found courage. i sprayed him with my chemicals, and he just flew away. gone. easy. but i can always hear it, in the back of my mind. "moo. moo. moo. moo. MOO!" but i know what it traces to. and thats what really scares me. so, so badly. but then again, mom taught me this great trick:

whenever something weird hapens, i just expand slowly, repeating: "there's no such things as humans. there's no such things as humans." and i feel so much better.

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Here is my story.One December day, a TamaTalker made up a ridiculous story about a UFO and many people joined in the lie fest. THE END.

Please, if you're going to make up stories, at least make them SOUND real.
um don'tcha think thats a bit rude? Well thats just my opinion,you can still be a bit more sensitive :ichigotchi: Don't take this the wrong way i'm just pointing this out :kuribotchi: .

Anyways...heres my story:

One summers night my friend Haley and I were outside just being goofy :marumimitchi: .All of a sudden this slow blinking blue and green light went by.It had no noise and was very low.We just ran inside and dived into my room and wrote in our journals Friday,May something and then began to write what we saw.We didn't want to tell our moms so we kept it a secret.Thats all I remember from there cause that was a year or two ago.

People of tt just a reminder from me,you don't have to beleive me if you don't want to just don't be rude and make mean comments like"thats stupid balone!"or anything rude.I thank you bunches! :nazotchi:

heres my story:One summers night my friend Haley and I were outside just being goofy :marumimitchi: .All of a sudden this slow blinking blue and green light went by.It had no noise and was very low.We just ran inside and dived into my room and wrote in our journals Friday,May something and then began to write what we saw.We didn't want to tell our moms so we kept it a secret.Thats all I remember from there cause that was a year or two ago.
and then your brother jumped out with two flashlights of different color lenses and roared "ha ha ha! aaaaha ha ha! you've been PUNKED! but please, don't post this on your confounded tamatalk!" and ran away.

There's a difference between rudeness and brutal honesty.

you beleive in these horrendousley ridiculouse stories because you're all idiotic imbiciles.

Brutal Honesty:

it's fun to tell stories and even more fun to beleive them, and fun's all you're looking for. hey, isn't that why we're on tamatalk?

okay, so it's not so brutal, but i'm just trying to point out that most agree with the second one. i can't say i beleive these stories, i think most of us are telling them for fun.

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i was running through the woods. at every twig being snapped, leaf being crushed, or any other noise, as i ran i did a quick scan of my surroundings. of course there was nothing yet, the noises were made by me. but my head was't clear. i was being chased. there, there it was. "zzzeeeeeeeeeeeeettt. aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnaaacouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. tannnnnnnitanoaaaaaaaa." okay, so i didn't exactly know what it meant, but that metallic, clicky voice definately was not human. i saw a fallen tree with a few others behind it. a good enough hiding spot for now. i took the swift opportunity and jumped under it, scraping my knees and catching my hair on the rough, dry bark. i looked outside of the opening. it was a large, oval clearing. i saw an opening at the farther end. where i had entered, the large-headed, buldgy-eyed, pale-blue creatures now approached. i saw their weapons. their big, metal, leathal looking weapons. they all went to one side, far from me, and dropped all of the weaponry i could see. there were about forty of then, all beginning to line up in four lines. music began protruding from nowhere. it was strangly familiar. then, they began WALKING IT OUT. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" i screamed. this was all too much.

heres my story... One summers night my friend Haley and I were outside just being goofy :rolleyes: .All of a sudden this slow blinking blue and green light went by.It had no noise and was very low..... People of tt just a reminder from me,you don't have to beleive me if you don't want to just don't be rude and make mean comments like"thats stupid balone!"or anything rude.I thank you bunches! :D
Hey maybe it was your heart monitor going nutso :angry:

Lol tamas r aliens. :D

Did encounter real alien once. they......sort of looked like a :lol: - :wacko: - :eek: but when i woke up the was a

:unsure: on my bed. it pooped on the floor. and then i was a :nyachi: !! and now i am a :nyachi whenever i want.

My friend had a very close ufo encounter last year. It was 4:30 in the morning, and he was lying in bed awake. Suddenly, out of no where, he hears a weird buzzing beeping sound, and the brightest light he had ever seen shone in his window. It was so bright, it light up the whole room. The scary thing is, his ps2 controller move towards the light by itself...

Got any storys?
Well I saw these two light flying through the sky. The next morning loads of people were on the news saying they'd seen them. And I was like "Grandma! The lights we saw last night are on the news". And I've seen a lot of starnage things.... Oh and I saw a grey thing flying through the sky and I really think it looked like a spaceship. Although I used to see things when I was little so...

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