club penguin


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New member
Mar 1, 2007
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:wacko: hi i was on club penguin and my name on there is tubbie 247 is that coooooool?i think it is he he he he it is awesome! :ph34r:
:D hi i was on club penguin and my name on there is tubbie 247 is that coooooool?i think it is he he he he it is awesome! :D
Hello tubbie! I know that your new and all and I forgot to tell you that people already posted stuff about that. A guied might close it. If I am wrong then please don't get angry at me! ;)


WARRIORSCATS how do you change the color of your letters I have been trying to do it but I cant. :D :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

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I have a club penguin my 2 accounts r bunnyg1rl and radiobomb. but i barely go on.

WARRIORSCATS how do you change the color of your letters I have been trying to do it but I cant. :wub: :D :p :D B)
first you choose the colour that you want at the top of the screen where is says colours. Then once your done typing you have to click the little thing that says close all tags that is right beside the thing that lets you pick colours. like this:

See? That's how you do it!

Oh, I played that. I quit after I found out you have to PAY REAL MONEY to buy FAKE CLOTHING.

:nazotchi: thank so

much :mimitchi:






tamasrule :mametchi: :pochitchi: :gozarutchi: :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :D :D :D :kuribotchi: :ichigotchi:

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