CNET News comments on tamas


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hmmmm, I wonder why they said such things? Purhaps they were thinking of neopets?

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*TamagotchiCreated in 1996 by Aki Maita, Tamagotchi made manufacturer Bandai an absolute fortune. It was hugely successful and spawned countless clones. It was the must-have toy of its day. Why is it an example of terrible tech? Because it was intensely irritating.

You looked after a tiny pixellated cretin who, after eating a variety of oversized meals, left piles of dung in one corner of his screen, each as large as the creature it came from. Owners could then punish the little swine or feed it more food. It would also wake up at 7am demanding you clean the huge load it created while you were sleeping.

The little beggars disrupted classroom after classroom, caused fights in the playground and even spawned nanny services -- where unemployed housewives charged kids their pocket money to look after the useless b******* while their owners were at school.

Nothing this pointless should be spared the stinging lash of geek revisionism, regardless of its commercial success.*

This news story was posted by CNET News in 'Top ten terrible tech products'. I totally disagree with them. I am nso outraged!
Wow! When they put it like that, that is harsh, I mean the version 5 personally was not to great but that does not mean that the other versions were Cr** . I think that that repor was way out of order.

I guess that it is not up to us to chane there minds, it is Bandai. I personally like the little *Pixellated Crelin* so I do not think they have the right to say that. I mean, if you want to buy it then you can, saying your under its every demand like cleaning up its pops and feeding t and punishing it.

I think it gives you a sense of independence to take care of somethin and bad care will result in bad things!

That's what those dorks at CNET do looking at a screen all day with 100 cell phones hanging of their waists. If CNET says that tamas are cr** then CNET is cr**

Ok sorry but im really ticked off :D

im so sad

*TamagotchiCreated in 1996 by Aki Maita, Tamagotchi made manufacturer Bandai an absolute fortune. It was hugely successful and spawned countless clones. It was the must-have toy of its day. Why is it an example of terrible tech? Because it was intensely irritating.

You looked after a tiny pixellated cretin who, after eating a variety of oversized meals, left piles of dung in one corner of his screen, each as large as the creature it came from. Owners could then punish the little swine or feed it more food. It would also wake up at 7am demanding you clean the huge load it created while you were sleeping.

The little beggars disrupted classroom after classroom, caused fights in the playground and even spawned nanny services -- where unemployed housewives charged kids their pocket money to look after the useless b******* while their owners were at school.

Nothing this pointless should be spared the stinging lash of geek revisionism, regardless of its commercial success.*

This news story was posted by CNET News in 'Top ten terrible tech products'. I totally disagree with them. I am nso outraged!
Woah,woah woah!!!

That's some deep trash talking by some probably Chinese guy who's never even played with one,little less seen one close up.Probably just got it from a stupid friend who simply dislikes Tamagotchis.For the most part I totally disagree.I'm male(boy) so I can tell from a boys prospected point of view that is a bunch of bull corn,and I'm not gay so you can't say 'oh,a gay boy playing tamagotchi?'.My point here is;i'm a boy,I have a more of saying in this than that other guy and tamagotcjis don't even poop when they sleep so this is all jacked up lies.

Edit:I just researched the person who 'supposedly' wrote this.This is fake lies this person can sooo very easily get sued.He/She just impersonated the Mother Of Tamagotchi,'Aki Maita'.She created Tamagothi's so the chances of her saying this is like 1/1,000,000.This is a fake article.

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That's somebody elses opinion.

They do have a point, but the language was unnecessary.

I have to agree with them on the 7am point, but they could of been gentler. >_>

That would be a sight.



*TamagotchiCreated in 1996 by Aki Maita, Tamagotchi made manufacturer Bandai an absolute fortune. It was hugely successful and spawned countless clones. It was the must-have toy of its day. Why is it an example of terrible tech? Because it was intensely irritating.

You looked after a tiny pixellated cretin who, after eating a variety of oversized meals, left piles of dung in one corner of his screen, each as large as the creature it came from. Owners could then punish the little swine or feed it more food. It would also wake up at 7am demanding you clean the huge load it created while you were sleeping.

The little beggars disrupted classroom after classroom, caused fights in the playground and even spawned nanny services -- where unemployed housewives charged kids their pocket money to look after the useless b******* while their owners were at school.

Nothing this pointless should be spared the stinging lash of geek revisionism, regardless of its commercial success.*

This news story was posted by CNET News in 'Top ten terrible tech products'. I totally disagree with them. I am nso outraged!
well... some people think tamas are rubbish because for example when i didnt have a tamagotchi when tamagotchi adverts came on i used to just sit there and think how crap is a tamagotchi but now i have one i love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so they shouldnt judge tamas until they have one!

I actually think the CNET article is pretty funny.

Tamagotchis have always annoyed non-Tama fans, and I certainly understand why.


Doesn't change my perception of Tamagotchis at all.

Why would it?

CNET is very, very, rude for saying that.

Thay should at least try out the tamagotchi and finally notice, oh, this isn't bad after all. There are cool features here!

I remember when i first saw the tamagotchi V2 commercial. I thought, Ugh, this looks so weird and dumb.

But then i started to learn about them and i ended up getting a whole bunch and loving them.

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Those guys are bored and they have nothing better to do or say, except for bashing others.

Ignore them.

My opinion is that Tams are cool. Theirs is that Tams are irritating. Neither one of those is true or false - they're both just people's perceptions.

*shrug* If I got mad everyone someone didn't like the same things I do, I would be in for a very rough time of it. :)

Tamas are different to some people, my mum likes taking care of my tamas occasionally. I remember when she gave it some medicine and food while I overslept. The CNET have their own opinion, thats fair, just like we have ours.

The way tamas bleep all the time is annoying, but as you continue the game they get better, until you cant resist picking one up while on the phone, or in a meal and other places. Tamagotchis are a good influence, they teach kids so much!

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[SIZE=14pt]Well, I disagree with them. I don't think they get annoying at all. Some of you are saying that it's alright for them to do that because they have their opinions just like we have ours. I agree with you guys who are saying that.[/SIZE]


But those news people have made a mistake. It does not poop while it's asleep.

Umm... What version are you talking about? I like v0s.

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