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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2008
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Have you ever had any weird coincidences?

I have one of my friends birthdays were on the 20th of october another 21st and mine 22nd and I saw someone with their birthday today! (23)

Lol has this stuff ever happend to you :furawatchi:

On my soccer team, I have this really nice girl on it. Her name is Paige. I got picked to go to this writing marathon thing at my town and some other kids in the 5th grade did because we are good writers. Paige was there, too. =P

The first time i joined TT my friend was making an account for me and i said for the last 3 letters "445" then she was like O_O and im like what? and shes like its just my username has those last three numbers also. it was weird

I've had some Coincidences before.


Sometimes, you will see somewhere you know at a store or at a mall. It's just a coincidence that they are in the same place, at the same times, looking for the exact same thing.

When I was picking a username for TamaTalk, I was picking all the ones people already chose...o_O

Me and my friends happen to live close to each other and go to the same school.

And I guess that's it. I don't have many coincidences, or I don't remember any of them...

Me and my mom have the same birthday, April 20th. ;)
LOL, could you imagine giving birth on your b-day? I can't really remember any coincidences right now, but I'll think of some later.

O_O It happens to me all the time...

A LOT (and by that I mean A LOT) of the times when I'm thinking about a particular word or thing, straight away somebody says that word or words related to it. For example today I was sitting in class bored and reviewing Round 2 of Ask The Staff. I thought of how funny it was that binary said he best represented Tarakotchi: a klutz who falls a lot. And then my friend, who was chatting to other people, said (quite loudly), 'I'm such a KLUTZ!' :)

All the people i know named mary have ginger hair

Quite often when I learn a new word all of a sudden I hear it everywhere on tv, people, magazines. T'is odd

I'm a twin and I'm in all the option subjects of another person who is a twin and her twin sister is in all the same option classes as my sister. And Jordan (My sister) and Brogan (Her sister) have the same middle name, Erin!

Yeah. My little brother is almost EXACTLY born at the same time I was @_@ He was born at 9:53 And I was born at 9:16 on December 23 And lots of times I'll hear a word I don't know and find out what it means and I'll hear in like 3 t.v. shows. XD

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