Coke or Pepsi?


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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2008
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I prefer Coke, personally, but I think Mountain Dew is wonderful. I rarely drink soda, but when I do, it is either Coke product, or Dew. Im not a big fan of Pepsi, I think it is weak in flavor, and not fizzy enough. The bubbles are good for many purposes... many purposes... and they make the whole drink better. Yeah.

So, I am a fan of Coke.

What are your preferences?

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No flames (But how would you get in a flame about soda, anyway? Really.)

So, fire away. I want to know.

Coke, or Pepsi?

I like Dr. Pepper but if it's between Coke and Pepsi I'd take coke.

I'm with ~Rebecca . I'm a total Dew girl, and I would choose Coke by a mile over Pepsi. Coke is wonderful, *pop pop* fizzy, and sweet...normal Pepsi tastes like Diet Coke, and isn't half as fizzy. -_- I love Mountain Dew because it's un-naturally sweet, fizzzzzy, and yellow (lol).


Used to like Pepsi...but not that much anymore. I remember thinking that it was the same thing, but then I tasted them right after the other and realized that Pepsi is a tad sweeter.

Now I like Coke, but I think it's because I've had it so much more than Pepsi. But seriously, I wouldn't mind either.

I like Dr. Pepper the most, but coke has some weird taste to it. Pepsi is bubblier and sweeter! <3

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