Coke or Pepsi?


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Pepsi rules coke drools. I'm kidden ofcourse. Coke is good delicious actually. But I just like pepsi better.

I say both i really think they are kind of even...

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Newbie? Do you realize they have made over 1,000 more posts than you have? And anyway, to dismiss someone's thoughts because they are a "newb" is simply ridiculous and rude.

You may have thought what you said was funny but you have to think about what if sounds like for the one reading it. It was not so funny on our end. Please make you posts kind and respecful.

For the record, if there's no Dr. Pepper. Coke all the way. ;D

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I love both!!! I do like Vanilla Coke,but Pepsi is really good,but,GAH! Can't decide. >-<

Coke definitely. Pepsi tastes like water with REALLY weak flavouring in it. Coke is nice and strong!


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I honestly can't taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi. Maybe because I drink diet of both. I don't like regular of either, they taste too sugary and I feel it on my teeth o_O

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I honestly can't taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi. Maybe because I drink diet of both. I don't like regular of either, they taste too sugary and I feel it on my teeth o_O
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Coke... it makes me burp more xD

cecib :furawatchi:

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