College is on MY mind


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Oh a btw I do mean college lol. Yeah I know I am way to old to be on a Tamagotchi lovers site, but come on! I am still a kid on the inside who loves the classic retro toy of my child hood! :lol:

College x.x I don't know what I want to study and my mom keeps pressuring me to go back. I'm most likely going back in April, but I have no idea what classes I want to take.

I was thinking of taking pharmacy classes and getting my Associates in Pharmacy Tech because it pays well, but I'm not sure if that's actually what I want to do or not.

I'm excited about next semster. o.o Starting art school!

What am I nervous about...oof. Weight. x.x;;

xD College? I'm only ten, and I don't even know how it works. :eek: But, um, if this class exists: I'd want to take psychology. Unless you have to take like a million different classes... then I'll have pick my tops. :D I don't have to worry about college for another like.. 10 years? But that doesn't mean I'm not aware of it now. :D

College hey?

well I am in year/grade 6 in primary school still the only thing that im worried about is that are stats will be coming up soon! But today was brilliant! The best day back!


I'm only 12 no need for colege, but I want to be a vetranarian when I grow up, so I don't even go to college, I go to University, then again I think I have to go to college for a little while.

College hey?
well I am in year/grade 6 in primary school still the only thing that im worried about is that are stats will be coming up soon! But today was brilliant! The best day back!

Back in school? I'm not back until Janruary. 8th!!

- I can wait to go back, I can't wait to go back to speed skating, cause I get to see the guy I have a crush on, Chris, XD

:) :)

I'm in my third semester of college now, it's really not that bad. I still live at home and drive to classes. I'm starting my fourth semester of Chinese language next week. After this, I will be going to a different college near my house to further my career in animal behaviour and education.

I suppose the future-y thing I'm most nervous about is starting a family. There is a fairly good chance that it may happen in the next 10 years, considering I'm 20. I think it sounds lovely, and is definitely something I want to do at some point, but I have no idea when it might happen. Getting married and moving away, too. I'm definitely looking forward to all that, but I'm definitely going to take things as they come and not rush it all at once. :)

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