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i think bandai is not going to make a color tamagotchi.

one reason is, if they want to keep them original size, colorization would never work. and, i'm sure bandai wants to keep tamagotchis looking as original as they can.

they would have to have an extra large battery, too. a watch battery is not nearly big enough. they would have to use a rechargable battery, lie the ones in gameboy advances.

however, color tamas would be cool. :D

I have 2 virtual pets that have color pixels. Pocket Sakura and the color Pikachu. I wish I had pix of the Pikachu's screen.

Here's the page with ideas of what the screen looks like.

So the colored screens only show 3 colors. same with Pikachu. It's colors are yellow, red and brown.

So I would think the Tamagotchis just can't pull it off with 3 colors.

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i dont think tamas would be as gud then coz tamas are known for been black and white pixles (even though the backgrounds are in colour)

i dont think it would be the same :huh:

I was thinking about this while playing Pokemon Silver on my friend's Gameboy Advance SP. As you probably know this game is in colour. With the backlight on, it's so easy to see. Without the backlight it's really hard to see all the colour. So if the whole Tamagotchi screen became coloured that might make it hard to see unless there was a backlight.

I think it would waste to much battery power, the battery would go far quicker if it was in colour, than the black and white pixles :huh:

hope i helped, and have a great tama day! :mellow:

I like how they are now, i have got used to all the black and white pixles jumping and walking around the screen. And the battery power would go down extreamly fast! :)

But Cool i dea!

Hope i helped and have a great tama day!

I think they have not made the tamagotchis in color because they are so small. :)

I think they have not made the tamagotchis in color because they are so small. ;)

Color won't be coming out anytime soon. it'd be hard to figure out, and manly, people love tamagotchi's because there not color.

If you really want color just use your imagination :huh:

I'd love tamas in color! :pochitchi:

But i reckon Bandai isn't gonna make color tamas... :lol:


I think they might eventually but not for a while they will probably make a few more versions before then.

I didn't event know colour pixels were possible on a little tamagotchi lol.

I think tamagotchis are fine the way they are.It would probably be cool if they were colored but they're fine right now.

---------------------------- <- go there it's cool

:kuribotchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :D :mimitchi: :gozarutchi: :mimitchi: :nazotchi:

I totally think they could make a colour screen. The technology is out there but implementing it into Tamagotchi would prove costly and time consuming. Lets face it who's going to want to add another $50 or more to the price just for a colour screen? I am sure there will be dozens typing ME ME I'D PAY but of course there are dozens complaining that Gotchi Gear is over priced at under $20... The impact on the battery power is a very key issue here and c'mon how many of us have left a toy sit in the corner for months coz we're too lazy to get a batery... Rechargable batteries might work but the design doesn't accomodate their use so a complete redesign would be needed. Its a good idea but given the limitations on what the toy can do its about the last thing anyone would be thinking of over at Bandai ;)

do you think that bandai would ever make tamagotchis ( and i mean tamagotchis as in versions!!!! not devilgotchi or the other types!) do you think they will make them with full colour! and also why do you think they haven't made it with colour!!!!!! :) :huh:
from a very wondering fan


i would love to know what you think so make answers as detailed as possible!!! i'd love to hear what you think about this!!! thanxs!!!! :huh:
that would be totally awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dunno, to me if Tamagotchis were in color they wouldn't seem like Tamagotchis to me anymore.

my friens stefan said v3s would be in colour and have a touch screen. and they still havent.

i wish they would

Well there are probably about 3 reasons for not having colour.

1: The cost. Do you seriously want to pay $50- for a tamagotchi?

Not me. I can barely get one when it is $14. XD

2: Batteries. The colour would drain the charge out of that thing like CRAZY! You'd have to interchange batteries every week. Well for full colour anyway.

3: Classic. When someone thinks of a tamagotchi they think of a little yellow egg with a black pixely blob on a screen you have to take care of. Changing that would be like changing a Mario game to a Sonic game. There is just to much difference. The long time fans would be disgusted and Bandai would have to accomidate for the new audience.

Maybe It would be cool to have a colour screen. I would probaly buy one but I would need to save for a LONG time. I'm comparing my v5 to my v3 and the v5 screen it yellow and black and its harder to see the Tamas while my v3 is white and black wich means its crystal clear. The v5 screen looks like someone spilled coffe in it when it was made. Its REALLY ugly. I'm not buying thev5.5 unless its white not yellow!

Don't count on BanDai ever using colored pixels. It's not gonna happen. And the main reason is that it uses up way too much battery power and your batteries will be dead in less than a month. They're just fine with black pixels, and BanDai is never gonna change that.
i agree with him
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