Coloured streaks?


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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For Christmas I got a voucher to get coloured foils. I'm having trouble deciding what colour to get.

I am leaning towards an unnatrual colour, i just can't actually decide. You guys are amazing and I'd love your opinion on this.

Mm. Don't go with natural when you can get color. xD

You have blondish hair..right?

Okay, well I did pink in my black hair.

I kinda like the way purple sounds. Blue is risky. My friend with blonde hair got them--they turned green. xD

It depends what couler hair you have. If you have blonde haor, DON'T have blue or anything dark. It may change the hair to green. Ew.

I would actually go with red x]

Purple would be my second choice.

When I get foils done I usually choose a colour that will go well with most of my clothes and my glasses. (I don't like to clash colours...) XD

This usually means natural colours that make it look as if I have been in the sun (like natural highlights).

Since it is summer in NZ I would go for some natural, light blonde colours.

(It also depends on how many foils you will get. Coloured streaks would look fine with up to 12 foils. I think if you have any more than 12 foils in a bold/strong colour it tends to make you look a little "clownish".)

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If you want a non-natural colour, I would suggest red, even though it was not on your poll choices.

Purple would be great too, it would stand out with your blondish hair. :]

^ Red is the first choice on the poll. o.o

Anyway, I was go with purple. A dark metallic-y looking purple would look cool. I know someone with about your color hair that got purple streaks put in and they looked really cool. :)

I thought the title of this was 'Coloured Steaks'

Knowing your hair color, I could see any of those colors on you. Red might look more natural; it depends on how unnatural you want the color to be.

If you wanted a bigger unnatural color, I'd go with purple. That's just my opinion xD

purple, just cuz its my favorite color and that's what i would choose. i had friends with blond hair who got both red and blue, and they both turned out great, but red lasts longer.

I've seen pictures of you, and I think red would look good in your hair colour

You should have gone blue-black xD That would have been awesome! You already know about my blue-black hair from MSN xD

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