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My mom DID smoke too. And she drank beer. Now she quit smoking because she tried to hide it from us because there are alot of toddlers in my family. When my 6 year old brother 9 year old brother and 4 year old sister, found out they asked her about it(thank goodness, I would not have the nerve to do that!) and she said, Oh, yes smoking is BAD I a going to quit. Well, once in a while she does it, like 1 or none cigs a day. But, beer is less likely to kill you. Be strong, if you really care alot and you don't want your mom to get hurt, ask her if you could talk to her. Tell her that you caught her smoking and it bothers you and ask if she could try to stop. She should not get mad at you. If she does, tell her you just didn't want her to get sick or hurt herself or maybe die. Just tell her that you really don't want her to smoke. I know how it feels...

I caught my mom doing the same thing one day. So I asked her about it, and she told me, she does smoke. But ask her to quit. Tell her second hand smoke is worse for you. And second hand smoke is what you'd be getting from her smoking if your around her while she smokes.

Like, ppl Said, its her Choice to smoke.

Anyway, just try to talk to her about it. That might clear things up.

Pretty much everyone in my family smokes, Living with my mom, Well i have inhaled enough second hand smoke into my lungs now from being around her :furawatchi: . I have Tried one Ciggarette (...And I'm 13) Last Year, Took like one Drag. I Started Gagging and Threw it in the garbage It was Gross, that was last year though, I asked my Cousin what smoking was like. She just Handed me one so i lit it with a lighter. A mistake i'll never choose to make again.

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All you can really do is just deal with it. It's her body and her life and you can't control her.
My mom used to try to hide smoking from me when I was younger. I have to admit I was a bit annoyed at first, but seriously. A few cigarettes once in a while wont hurt you. It's when she gets up to a pack+ a day that you might start to worry.
Actually a few cigarettes can hurt you. I heard that when you smoke 1 cigarette, you lose 20 minutes of your life.


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My mom smokes but not in the car infront of me cause she doesent want me to inhert that from her. But my dad smokes in the car and I always force him to squish onto that plate.

But there is nothing you can do about it maybe just talk to your mom that you dont like it or maybe talk to a stuffed animal, or an animal, somthing like that. Best of all use a guidance counilor.


Were trying to be supportive here :'/
I agree. Adding worry to someone's mother dying is not needed. Advice is more appreciated :eek:

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*Runs and hides in a corner* she is already 45....*sucks thumb* :'/

Well, I talk to her about anything. And I said one day "You would NEVER smoke, right?" And she replyed "Nope. It is to bad for you."
2 times now I caught her smoking in seret when I am in bed. What should I do?

PS I see her every other weekend because a devorse.
I for one think this is a health hasard.

And, a good Idea is to tell her you know she smokes.

And, she might try to get help. :(

I am to scared..
Too scared to tell your mom to stop smoking? Or to confront her? Don't be. :angry:

It's natural for a child to worry about their parents smoking, but in reality you can't do much. What you should do is tell your mom you KNOW she's smokes, and that you are disappointed. More than likely, she'll tell you she cannot stop. Smoking is an addiction, and once you start it's nearly impossible to quit. She probably knows how bad it is for her, but she cannot help but continue. Basically, she told you she didn't smoke because she thought if you knew, you'd start smoking when you were older too. She's trying to protect you, but now that you've found it the best thing to do is talk to her and figure out the truth.

Hope I helped! :angry:

maybe she got into it, and is too addicted to quit, but maybe she doesn't want you to follow her actions and smoke

Oh dear,

That's really sad. :(

My aunt and both my uncles smoke. :(

I hope you don't have asthma like me. :D

Once I was in a room with a few people smoking for a while, I nearly passed out and ended up in hospital.

From now, I'm on four medications for it.

You should confront your Mum about it, if she talks to you, you've gotten to her.

My parents are divorced too, sometimes I worry about my Dad but he knows what happened to me so he would never ever smoke. :(

Hope things clear up.

Oceangotchi123 :furawatchi:

mabey she knows its bad and wants to quit but its very idicting and hard for her she wont tell u because she does not want u to make the same mistake as her( in outher words...she loves u) but its worth a shot to tell her :mellow:

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