connecting v3's


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Apr 19, 2006
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I can't seem to get my two V3's to connect, do they have to be a certain age before they can? I try to connect (one is a teen, one is a child) & it says stand by & then goes back to the character without adding a friend.

I am completely new at this Tamagotchi thing & I am WAY over the age limit (36) so I may need some step by step help! I bought one for my 5 year old & got hooked so I had to get one of my own :ichigotchi:


This is very hard to describe how to connect, but I will explain in as much detail as possible. Just mail me if you get confused. Follow the steps :ichigotchi:

1. Press A 5 times to get over to the connection sign.

2. Press B (the middle button).

3. Choose with the A button which versions will connect. In this case it's a v3. Press B.

4. Choose "Game" "Present" or "Visit". Game = Your tamagotchis will play a game. Present = Your tamagotchi will give a gift to eachother. If you would like to know how to wrap a gift, mail me :ichigotchi: Visit = Just visiting and chatting or something :kuribotchi:

5. Press B when you have decided.

6. It will say "Stand By". This is when you put the two infered together in proper position. Infered = I'm not sure if I spelt it right, but it's the red thingie ma-bobber on the top of your tamagotchi.

7. Press B again and it will say "Connect". In just a few seconds, your tamagotchi will connect :kuribotchi:

Mail me if you get confused!


whoo hoo! I am now connected! Thanks so much for the help, I didn't hit connect after the standby stuff...

you hae to press b when it says stand by. When i first got my tama i did that 2 :marumimitchi:

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