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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
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AZ peoria
[SIZE=14pt]ok please be saportive about this! ok then i've been constipated for the last 4 days!!!!!!! im scared! mi mom sayd that if i dont go poop today she is gunna bring me to the doctors and im gunna have 2 get an enima!(an enima is sumthing shuved up ur butt that squirts water in ur butt) they hurt! please if u have ANY ideas how to make me go poop please tell me! PLEASE! ^_^ [/SIZE]
:p ok ummm.... (I cant belive im posting in a topic like this) theres this medicine you could drink and it makes you go to the bathroom. its has laxidents in it...
Ask her if you can try metamucil(sp?). It's a mild fiber laxative. I've used it a few times and it works really well. You can find it in grocery stores.

All it is is an orange flavored powder that you mix into water. It's not an immediate effect, but after about 12-24 hours you'll either have to poop or find it easier to do so.

Just follow the instructions on the container and you'll be fine.

What's nice about it is it doesn't taste bad, and hey, it's a lot better than a suppository x.x

Try that before you go to the doctor. Your doctor might even tell you to try that. Mine did xP

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thanks i'll try ta get mi sis ta bring me to the store when she gets home! im in a really bad mood! CAUSE of this problem to so...

Ask her if you can try metamucil(sp?). It's a mild fiber laxative. I've used it a few times and it works really well. You can find it in grocery stores.
All it is is an orange flavored powder that you mix into water. It's not an immediate effect, but after about 12-24 hours you'll either have to poop or find it easier to do so.

Just follow the instructions on the container and you'll be fine.

What's nice about it is it doesn't taste bad, and hey, it's a lot better than a suppository x.x

Try that before you go to the doctor. Your doctor might even tell you to try that. Mine did xP
My step-dad took that. Seemed to work for him.

I've had spells before, but never thought much of it I guess. My mom always had juice or a small thing of prunes nearby "just in case," but I luckily never needed them.

My stomach is good about me getting sick over foods, so I normally end up with that instead of constipation.

:| ppl ideas please!!!!!!!!! i realy dont feel good about this! :) far nuthen has worked eather! :lol: i even ate prumes! (they actolly tasted ok!)

Try eating things like Frosted Mini Wheats with lots of fiber in them. And eat healthier. Sometimes I get it is spells, and I notice that it is usually when I am not eating healthy.


A year ago, I was on vacation at the beach. I didn't go "number 2" for a few days, but I didn't think nothing of it. But I woke up one night and had to go. I kept going, and going, and going. I was up all night and a kinda miserable. But that was it. Then I was back on schedule again.


Hope you feel better soon!



[SIZE=14pt]ok please be saportive about this! ok then i've been constipated for the last 4 days!!!!!!! im scared! mi mom sayd that if i dont go poop today she is gunna bring me to the doctors and im gunna have 2 get an enima!(an enima is sumthing shuved up ur butt that squirts water in ur butt) they hurt! please if u have ANY ideas how to make me go poop please tell me! PLEASE! ;) [/SIZE]
Eat some apples. That always helps me.


mabey eat gasey food mabey when you fart the poop will come out

I've had that before. It didn't hurt me but it felt really weird.

It does help ALOT and if your mother thinks that is the best thing, then you should try it.

Also, you can try laxaitves which help also. These dont have an immediate effect either but they help.

Good luck.

Drink more fluids. More water and fruit juices (not sodas). Take gentle exercise - like brisk walking.

Lastly, if you feel like you need to go but can't, it sometimes helps to squat down/hunker down, with your knees bent and keeping your feet flat on the floor (not as easy to do as it sounds).

This is the most natural position to actually "go" - and sometimes it helps to try that position to kind of get things started - before you actually sit on the pan.

I had a tummy ache for three days straight one time to the point where it hurt to get up and walk around, but my mommy fixed it. She got me some kind of cherry flavored stuff that you have to take, its a liquid medicene and it makes you go poop!

Hope ya get it out!


Have you solved the problem yet?

TamaMum's post is real knowledgeable - I really agree with her post 100% When you feel it is ready, just go to the bathroom and sit and wait for 5-10 minutes. Not working? You can get off, then ;) Just keep on trying, and be determined :D

Try a laxative or eat oreos. Oreos always make me poop. I don't think you'd need to go to the doctor for this. Happens to me all the time. Although I get diarhea more than I get constipated. XD

i like apples ill try that if we have any! ....and hkmymlg thats gross!
just trying to help ;)

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