cool - funny lines


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Apr 23, 2008
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-_- :p :( :p B) ok so just do funny or cool line or somthing that you like i think this one is funny

Teacher-look out side tommy

Tommy - ok

teacher - do you see trees?

tommy - yes

Teacher - do you see grass?

tommy - yes

Teacher look up in the sky

tommy - ok

teacher - do you see God?

tommy - no

Teacher well than apperntly that means he dosent exist

Little girl - ok, tommy, do you see trees?

tommy - yes

Little girl - do you see grass?

tommy - yes

little girl - look at our teacher

tommy - ok

Little girl - do you see her brain?

tommy - no

Little girl - well then from what our teacher just taught us, her brain dosent exist. :p

:rolleyes: :D :eek: :p B) ok so just do funny or cool line or somthing that you like i think this one is funny
Teacher-look out side tommy

Tommy - ok

teacher - do you see trees?

tommy - yes

Teacher - do you see grass?

tommy - yes

Teacher look up in the sky

tommy - ok

teacher - do you see God?

tommy - no

Teacher well than apperntly that means he dosent exist

Little girl - ok, tommy, do you see trees?

tommy - yes

Little girl - do you see grass?

tommy - yes

little girl - look at our teacher

tommy - ok

Little girl - do you see her brain?

tommy - no

Little girl - well then from what our teacher just taught us, her brain dosent exist. :D
Hahaha! thats funny xD

i got none at the moment

Situation with someone eating a cream-sicle:

A: So, uh, what's this stuff in the middle of the creamsicle?

B: What? The stick?

A: No, the white stuff. . . *stares intently*

B: *disbelief* Uh... that would be the ICE CREAM!


B: Uh... Yeah...

A: O.O really... I thought it was milk and ice.

B: =.='

Teacher: Jimmy... I hope i didn't just see you looking at Toms test.

Jimmy: ummm... I hope you didn't see either...

bob: mrs. smith, i have to go potty!

smith: first say your alphabet.


smith: say it...

bob: okay, okay!

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Q R S T U V W X Y and Z!!! okay, there.

smith: but wait a second, where's the P?

bob: running don my leg!

haha xD

sorry, in a good mood.

Blonka: Look at him, he is so fine!

Diana: I know right!

Guy: *goes up to them* I heard you guys say I was fine, do you really think so?

Blonka: You must be mistaken, we're teenage Girls!! Not guys. :angry:

Diana and Guy: :angry: "


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