Cool places your tama has been


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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2005
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Where are some cool places your tama has been?

I took mine to Summerfest yesterday, and he's going to Niagara Falls and Chicago with me, too!

I've only had my tamagotchi for less than a month, but it went with me to Schlitterbahn water park near New Braunfels, TX. It didn't go into the water or on any rides, though. :wacko: It's been to several parties and barbeques, to the doctors office and blood lab (*shudder*) and many stores. Yesterday it went geocacheing with us to an old cemetery, a park, a museum and a baseball field. I guess my Tama has had a pretty good summer, so far. :wacko:

My tama hasn't been anywhere exciting yet... but I hope to bring him to the movie with me sometime... to go see Wall-E. I take him to stores and stuff.

My tamas have been to Germany and I might take one of them (my only adult) to the movies with me tomorrow. I took one of them to Disneyland but he didn't get to go on the rides or anything.

(This was all a couple years ago, so yeah. If my family goes anywhere this summer, however, my tamas will most likely come with me!)

Uhm.. well my Tam has been skiing upstate and in Pennsylvania, has been to Dominican Republic, and at the beach several times.


I take my Tam almost everywhere. ^-^

My new V5s went to:

1) Our Lakehouse

My older versions which got stolen 2 days ago :p :

1) Our Lakehouse

2) Our Vacation home in Canada

3) Our Vacation home in England

4) Our Vacation home in Paris

5) Our Vacation home in Rome

6) Disneyland

7) Disneyworld

8) Las Vegas

Last and most importantly my older versions went to..

9) My volleyball state championships...They're my lucky charms...(Yes, we won)

Quebec City and Montreal
I live in Illinois, and my family is on vacation in Quebec and Montreal right now!!!! How cool is that? Except, notice I said my family, me not included. I went with them up to Pennsylvania and am there now.

i will probably take mine to japan with me but my tamas been to disneyland like a 100 times :lol:

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