coping tamagotchi's name!


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But if you look at the top half of it is covered but it still says tamagotchi. I think they made a mistake.

JD isn't the only company that makes virtual pets ya know!
Also there is NO such thing is a fake tamagotchi. Well, in thise case yeah but in most cases NO. JD makes virtual pets, not tamagotchis.

Sry for quoting you, but JD DOES copy the characters...

It could be fake or real. It has no visible logo!

Sry for quoting you, but JD DOES copy the characters...It could be fake or real. It has no visible logo!
It IS fake.

The buttons have A B C above them. Regular Tamagotchi's don't.

There's a fake red-haired character thing on the package.

I don't ever remember seeing that design, and I don't think Mimitchi is ever on top of a Tamagotchi.

The buttons look so fake, too.

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It's bad enough that they tried to copy the names (Tamagotchi, Tamogotchi), but the characters too?! ^_^ Evil copiers! They make life more confusing ^_^

yeah it's a fake i cant believe that they just can do a fake tamagotchi and then take the name !!!!

tamaforum they may have copied alot of the real tamagotchi , but that is no reason to sue them, and also you cant sue them becuase copyright is only affective if it is exactly the same ,and bandai has no right to sue them,besides they will never be better than the real tamagotchis so no need to worry,and besides millions of people know that there fakes so they wont buy them, unless they want to so the people who make those dont really make any profit out of doing that

i think no one should get angry about this , besides it not like your going to get tricked into buying them or especially forced into buying them, so there is no need to get angry about them making fake tamas,and you dont need to worry about it since you can tell which ones are fake and which ones are real so you will be all right , most of all there is no harm done from making fakes,cuase the real ones will always be better ,and thats all i have to say about fakes.

In Singapore I saw a whole bunch of fakes in a vending machine. You know how on vending machines it has a picture of what you're gonna get on it? Well, it had Tamagotchi's logo, which looks the same at first glance. (This is the logo with Mimitchi in the "O" in "Tamagotchi" by the way.) You know how instead of an O in Tamagotchi, there is a Tamagotchi egg instead with a character inside? Well, it's meant to be yellow with black trim and black buttons. Instead, on the fake logo, it was yellow with white trim and black buttons.

And in another vending machine therer was a fake Rakuraku Dinokun. I know Rakuraku Dinokun/Dinkie Dinos were spinoffs, but this was a FAKE one!!! And on the picture it had real Tamagotchi characters, including Ichigotchi, Kuchipatchi and Mimitchi but with differences in colour in different places!

the tama is 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%fake.or is it a tama...who knows? guys have alot to learn thats the japense version of version3 tamagotchis go to and google in tamagotchis then they will show you some stuff and some of it's like japense check it OUT

tamaprincess, actually im not trying to be mean but you have alot to learn,!,,,,....the only thing that looks like a v3 that is in japan is called a keatei, and the other thing that lokks like the v3 but has red pickcels is a keatei akei there both japanese tamas , and that tama is fake,and the japanese tamas dont have these things

#1 a b c on the top of the buttons

#2 a jd or honeylovers sign on the package

#3 if its real then the package is always all japanese

those are all the things that let you tell that a japanese tama is fake and there always fakes if they have any of those things, and that go for american tamas to, except the packages should be all in english if it is american


If you'd look more carefully, you'd see it says TAMOGOTCHI! Which is completely diffrent. Tamagotchi and Tamogotchi may be similar, but Bandai can't sue them for making a name similar to theirs.


:blink: can't thay sue for copyrighted chareters? :huh: ;)

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