Corner Shop 3


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Sweet Kandi

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Everett, Washington, USA
I bought Corner Shop 3 yesterday.

I don't know if anyone else has gotten it yet, but I need help >.<

The Card Shop. It needs to die.

For some reason, even if I do everything right, I can't get a perfect score. It tells me I didn't add the right items according to the order, buuuut I did :|

I don't know if it's just being stupid, or if I'm really missing something that it isn't telling me.

Any help is appreciated.

Yes, I am stuck on that problem too. Sorry if I didn't help. I need help too, though. Which paper type and how to make name cards. Maybe you can help me.

I have unlosked and made royal all of the shops but havnt played that one for the same reason Idk maybe its the emotion of the character you pick??

XD Took a month but I got replies! Right on!

I put down CS3 because of aggravation of that stupid card shop. Maybe I'll pick it up again and figure it out. If on the off chance I DO figure it out, I'll let y'all know xP

Tamagotchi_pal, CS3 came out I think June 18th, lol.

I know how to do it =D It doesn't make any sense, but I figured it out, heh. You know the little extra things they want you to put on their cards? (Like cake, Christmas trees, etc.) No matter how many they want, always give them two extra ones or else you won't get an awesome score. o_O Even if they say they don't want any, give 'em at least two. If they want two, give them four, etc. I have no idea why that works, but it does. And here's a guide for what the different papers are:

Name card = Small, plain card

Poster = Large, dog-eared paper

Painting = Large framed paper

Postcard = Small paper with small square in the corner for a stamp

Birthday card = Vertical paper with a line through the middle

Heart card = Obviously, the heart-shaped card

So, hope that helped =P

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I know how to do it =D It doesn't make any sense, but I figured it out, heh. You know the little extra things they want you to put on their cards? (Like cake, Christmas trees, etc.) No matter how many they want, always give them two extra ones or else you won't get an awesome score. o_O Even if they say they don't want any, give 'em at least two. If they want two, give them four, etc. I have no idea why that works, but it does. And here's a guide for what the different papers are:
Name card = Small, plain card

Poster = Large, dog-eared paper

Painting = Large framed paper

Postcard = Small paper with small square in the corner for a stamp

Birthday card = Vertical paper with a line through the middle

Heart card = Obviously, the heart-shaped card

So, hope that helped =P
O: Omg I love you! Thank you!!!

I don't have Corner shop 3 yet.

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