Corner Shop = V4? No


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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
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Ontario Canada
I've heard alot of people saying that corner shop was the V4 It wasn't for one thing it's not a tamagotchi and another thing it was released before the V3 tama so It can't be the V4 for two resons. Also I've heard afew roumurs from my friends on the V4 one thing they siad it would be in color (I hope not) and It will be relesed august 2006 weird xP (I don't think it will be realesed then) and I forget alot bt I remeber alot more! Does anyone else have some V4 romours?

Personally, I think it will be an American version [that's not as good] of UraTama.

h99 >.<

I've eard that the V4 will be able to connect with the X-box 360 or any other game system, that you could talk to your Tamagotchi through a microphone and tell them what to do, that the Tamagotchi will be able to connect with four or more Tamagotchies at the exact same time,that the version 4 will have 10 new games added on to the ones we had for V2 and V3, that you could combine food.(eg. chocolate + milk = chocolate milk) I heard this all from "Tamagotchi Online" the Tamagotchi Fan site I belong to. My opinion on each these estimations is, for the X-box system I highly doubt that because in the past versions (V1, V2 and V3, that's the ones that I have) they haven't said anything about it connecting to a video game system and to all the Tamagotchi sites I've been to, not in a million years have the said that the V4 could connect to a video game system either. I really believe that this is possible because I've heard on movies and television shows, that it is possible to create microchip things to fit into small objects. An obvious example is a virtual pet. I absolutely believe that is possible if Bandi could make the infa red connection system as a more powerful function somehow. I think this could definitely be possible but I don't knnow what Bandai would do in order to make it possible (that's all involved of how they would construct the V4 though I think) I think this would becertain if they gave us more food choices in the "Meal" catagory and the "Snack" catagory and maybe even bring back the "Treat" catagory (that they invented for V2) and then give us a "Mix Together" Icon in the list of icons for the new V4 Tamagotchi Connection. What do you guys think about what I posted do you think this all possible or even true I really like to here your opinions please, thanks. :furawatchi:

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Woah reading all of that's making my dizzy :ph34r: Well anyways I heard they were making a tama game for the wii so the V4 might have something to do with that I think V4 might be like a cruddy versoin of en-tama but I think h99 is on to something there she has a point but It's a little weird (just kidding :D )

I've eard that the V4 will be able to connect with the X-box 360 or any other game system, that you could talk to your Tamagotchi through a microphone and tell them what to do, that the Tamagotchi will be able to connect with four or more Tamagotchies at the exact same time,that the version 4 will have 10 new games added on to the ones we had for V2 and V3, that you could combine food.(eg. chocolate + milk = chocolate milk) I heard this all from "Tamagotchi Online" the Tamagotchi Fan site I belong to. My opinion on each these estimations is, for the X-box system I highly doubt that because in the past versions (V1, V2 and V3, that's the ones that I have) they haven't said anything about it connecting to a video game system and to all the Tamagotchi sites I've been to, not in a million years have the said that the V4 could connect to a video game system either. I really believe that this is possible because I've heard on movies and television shows, that it is possible to create microchip things to fit into small objects. An obvious example is a virtual pet. I absolutely believe that is possible if Bandi could make the infa red connection system as a more powerful function somehow. I think this could definitely be possible but I don't knnow what Bandai would do in order to make it possible (that's all involved of how they would construct the V4 though I think) I think this would becertain if they gave us more food choices in the "Meal" catagory and the "Snack" catagory and maybe even bring back the "Treat" catagory (that they invented for V2) and then give us a "Mix Together" Icon in the list of icons for the new V4 Tamagotchi Connection. What do you guys think about what I posted do you think this all possible or even true I really like to here your opinions please, thanks. ^_^
Yes, some of that could be possible. But just think of the

price! Bandai can't put too many fancy features in because

the price would be high. I haven't heard any rumors on the V4...

Except like "OMG! theyre making a v4!"...I personally would not like another

version of the Tamagotchi. I'm sick of Connection Versions. Who knows when they'll

end! They need to make something different.

I don't think they should quit making Connection versions. If you want a different of Tamagotchies, buy some of the 1996 ones or the new Entamas, and there's even lots of other brands of virtual pets out there that are lots of fun.

well, its definatly possible. bandai probably wont do it bcuz of cost and would u buy a tama if it costed like 35 bucks??!! i wouldnt!

well, its definatly possible. bandai probably wont do it bcuz of cost and would u buy a tama if it costed like 35 bucks??!! i wouldnt!
There are tamas that cost $35 that's nothing compared to most tams!

I've eard that the V4 will be able to connect with the X-box 360 or any other game system, that you could talk to your Tamagotchi through a microphone and tell them what to do, that the Tamagotchi will be able to connect with four or more Tamagotchies at the exact same time,that the version 4 will have 10 new games added on to the ones we had for V2 and V3, that you could combine food.(eg. chocolate + milk = chocolate milk) I heard this all from "Tamagotchi Online" the Tamagotchi Fan site I belong to. My opinion on each these estimations is, for the X-box system I highly doubt that because in the past versions (V1, V2 and V3, that's the ones that I have) they haven't said anything about it connecting to a video game system and to all the Tamagotchi sites I've been to, not in a million years have the said that the V4 could connect to a video game system either. I really believe that this is possible because I've heard on movies and television shows, that it is possible to create microchip things to fit into small objects. An obvious example is a virtual pet. I absolutely believe that is possible if Bandi could make the infa red connection system as a more powerful function somehow. I think this could definitely be possible but I don't knnow what Bandai would do in order to make it possible (that's all involved of how they would construct the V4 though I think) I think this would becertain if they gave us more food choices in the "Meal" catagory and the "Snack" catagory and maybe even bring back the "Treat" catagory (that they invented for V2) and then give us a "Mix Together" Icon in the list of icons for the new V4 Tamagotchi Connection. What do you guys think about what I posted do you think this all possible or even true I really like to here your opinions please, thanks. :(
Most of the stuff in there is just junk

1# Why would they make it connect with video game systems?! What would be the

point of that?

2# If they did do that the price would sky rocket.

3# They might make it so u can connect with up to 4 ppl but i highly

dought that...

4# also they wouldnt make v4 in colour because the price would go to like 60 bucks

5# Man r they NOT going to make it possible to talk to ur tama through a mike. This

is a little hand held toy were talking about, not a nintendo DS!

6# I believe that they will make 10 games (maybe even more)

and well thats about it

I've eard that the V4 will be able to connect with the X-box 360 or any other game system, that you could talk to your Tamagotchi through a microphone and tell them what to do, that the Tamagotchi will be able to connect with four or more Tamagotchies at the exact same time,that the version 4 will have 10 new games added on to the ones we had for V2 and V3, that you could combine food.(eg. chocolate + milk = chocolate milk) I heard this all from "Tamagotchi Online" the Tamagotchi Fan site I belong to. My opinion on each these estimations is, for the X-box system I highly doubt that because in the past versions (V1, V2 and V3, that's the ones that I have) they haven't said anything about it connecting to a video game system and to all the Tamagotchi sites I've been to, not in a million years have the said that the V4 could connect to a video game system either. I really believe that this is possible because I've heard on movies and television shows, that it is possible to create microchip things to fit into small objects. An obvious example is a virtual pet. I absolutely believe that is possible if Bandi could make the infa red connection system as a more powerful function somehow. I think this could definitely be possible but I don't knnow what Bandai would do in order to make it possible (that's all involved of how they would construct the V4 though I think) I think this would becertain if they gave us more food choices in the "Meal" catagory and the "Snack" catagory and maybe even bring back the "Treat" catagory (that they invented for V2) and then give us a "Mix Together" Icon in the list of icons for the new V4 Tamagotchi Connection. What do you guys think about what I posted do you think this all possible or even true I really like to here your opinions please, thanks. :blink:
Those would be cool...


IConnecting to Xbox360

1.What If they dont have One? wouldn't that be a waste?

2.Its kinda wierd...

II4 tamas at same time

1.To Much to put in tama

2. Where would they go? They cant squish in one place!

III10 new games

That could happen...But WAY too many

IVMixing Food

1.What would mixing do, Really?

2.What if they dont like it and you waste all that money buying ingrediants?

3.Wouldn it be cheaper to buy a full one??

But Most of them Are good Ideas...

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