Corrupt a Wish!


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Wish granted, but my brother farts on you.

I wish people would stop being mean(like my brother)

Granted, but then the world suddenly came back to life and everything was like it used to be, except we had much much MUCH more resources. and we're still alive from when the world ended from before.

i wish i had a real-life mimitchi

you do. But then you get eaten alive.

I wish I have Pork chops 8D

Granted but they give you food poisoning

And Too bad I like to courrupt.Fine I'll think of something.....

I wish that Swearing was never invented

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Granted but now their is something worse than swearing... It is called Rutherth... It is way worse...

I wish I had friends that liked me for who i am and not what I have.

Granted but then they ditch you every single time you hang out with them.

I wish I had a laptop that is invincible to every bad thing that could possibly happen to it.

granted, but everyone became so nice you got sick of it and commited suicide.

I wish we could FALCON PUNCH people.

Granted, but you lose your powers after one punch and the ppl you punch Falcon Punch you 100 times.

I wish school was much shorter.

Granted, but they gave you WAAAAAY more homework that you couldn't solve

I wish my sister wasn't so :)

Granted, but it was mutated and said "WHO NEEDS YOU?" and then you blew it up in fright.

I wish hannah montanna would DIE like she did in the "Disaster Movie" Trailer.

Granted... But it wasnt Nick, Kevin and Joe that were never born.. It was brothers Dylan and Josh Jonas... Sorry...

I wish I had a brain.

granted, but it dosen't work.

i wish mother3 would come out in the US.

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