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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
So, do any of you cosplay?


If so could you say who you've cosplayed as and maybe post a picture?




I'd looove to cosplay~ Doubt I ever will, though. x3 Not sure that I'd naturally be any good characters; I just don't resemble anyone. But with a wig and maybe some colored contacts, I could! 8D

I have'nt cosplayed before but Im just about order a sailor jupiter costume (sailor moon) so Im going to cosplay as her (because my hair colour is similar and the costume is so cute) when I go to the expo at london excel in october.

Ill post pics when the costume comes! :eek:

I cosplay as 5D's characters~ *pokes Bakura in your icon*
Noooo! dont poke bakura! Pokes Yusei in your icon! ;) lol

edit: Ok, ive changed my mind. Now im going to cosplay as Oriheme (bleach). I am no where near as big as her in the chest area but im going to cosplay as her because my brother is going as Toshiro and my friend is going as Rukia ( also from bleach) so I wanted to match lol! :huh:

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I'd looove to cosplay~ Doubt I ever will, though. x3 Not sure that I'd naturally be any good characters; I just don't resemble anyone. But with a wig and maybe some colored contacts, I could! 8D
Same here, i never have but i'd love to. I just don't think i look anything like anyone i'd want to cosplay as. Plus, that would probably require money... which i have not.

I cosplay. Although I'm a cheat. I get my costumes off of eBay because I can't sew. xDDDD

I was Tohru from Fruits Basket last year and I'm being Kairi from KHII this year.

Oriheme is kind of easy to cosplay because I already have a white shirt, I can easily get a grey school skirt and I just ordered this really long ginger wig off the internet :)

Next time I may make my own costume- if I can be bothered. (which is never going to happen because I am lazy)

I was Tohru from Fruits Basket last year

Got any pictures of your costume Jae?

no they dont allow it in nova scotia :< (stupid steven harper)
What?! That's ridicules :)

Anyway, I cosplay! Sasuke from Naruto, Grell from Kuroshitsuji, L from Death Note, and some other crappy closet cosplays XD. England from Hetalia and Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji too, but the costumes and wigs were my friend's. :D

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