Could boys have Tamas too?


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Boys too?

  • Of course!

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  • No way to girly!

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  • Weird for boys to have!

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Yes, boys can have tamagotchis too! Half the boys I know have tamagotchis. But I think boys give up more because my cousin had his tama on pause for 1 mounth. I asked him if I could have it and he was like sure go ahead!

ovecourse boys can have tamas! ;) im a boy and i have 3 tamagotchis! i know loads of boys that have tamas! B) :D ;)

Yeah. Lots of boys like playing with tamagotchis, it's just that they don't show that they have an interest for "girl stuff" (Just kidding, that was a joke)

Sure they could! I may not be a boy, but I'm a tomboy, so I have a pretty good idea! Boys in my class have them, but if another boy sees it, they say: "OMG! You have a tama-what-are-they-called? That's so lame! Those are only for babys!" But don't mind them, they're just jealous(sp?)! :ph34r: Lol!

It really is the boys opinion. But I think that many boys like tamagotchis! Tamagotchis are not "for boys" nor "for girls". Adults, girls, and boys can like tamagotchis! There are quite a few adults on TamaTalk, and quite a few boys!

Boys and girls both like tamagotchis.

Hope you understand,


Course boys can tama it! Hey, so what if they call you lame or anything! Just say "it's my opinion and I like the fact that tamas exsit! What is PS 1/2/3 didn't exist?" Hehe I get called a freak by my best buds for liking Chinese Crested Dogs, but who really cares!? it's my pinion of them so if your getting caled a freak (or something like that) because you have a tama, ignore them!


It doesn't matter what gender you are to do ANYTHING. I mean tamagotchis aren't a girl thing. A boy can have them too. What made you think it was girly? I'm the only girl in my class with a tama.

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Not to put a downer on this subject or anything, but i think it's in the wrong board. Maybe try putting subjects like these under 'Whats on your mind?' or 'Fun Stuff' :lol:

Yes, i think boys are just as much entitled to Tamas as girls, i've seen many young boys with them.

Of course boys can have Tamas! I mean, they might not be all like 'OMG i forgot to feed it!" I mean, they would probably give it up more easily and give it funny names! I mean, my bro named his Alien! :D

boys can have tamas , but without the lovable maternal instinct, boys give up more easily.

(my experiment male is my brother)

You mean be pregnant and then have a baby out of their stomach? No way. That would be to girly. Girls are the only ones meant to have babies being born out of their stomach.

I think they mean own tamagotchis...


I have about 10 tamas. I'm a boy,the shell may be boyish or galish. that's all that matters. :D ;) :lol: :( :D

Sure boys can have tamas a boy in my class had one but the boys made fun of him and one stole it :huh: ;) ;)

Definitely, because I'm a boy and I have one.My sis always wants me to look after her tamagotchi. ;) ;) :D Hers is this one: :huh:

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