Country or city life?


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2005
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Post here and say whether you prefer the country or the city.

I personally prefer the city way more than the country. We'd have no jobs in the country if we didn't live in the city. For cities, we can do heaps of stuff.

oops...I thoguth you ment were you are curently! xD

I'd rather the country life. Its easy to go with, and I like horses alot. So yeah.

Country ^^ I live in country and It's so peaceful there!

It's full of fields and fresh air and oooh...It's so beautiful >.<

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City plz.

It's so dang boring in the countryside. And it smells /weird/.

But then again, the rest of my family think that the air in the London underground smells weird. I love that smell.

I live in Texas. But close to Dallas. I love New York and plan to move there. I used to live near LA. I've loved Las vegas. I'm a total city girl. I love the rush and the excitement. I'm a people-person so a city life is awesome.

I don't know...I like the peacefulness and sceneries in the country and I like the funness in cities...I live in a small town in the country.

Well, I used to live in Brooklyn, NY. I didn't really like it much. It was dirty and every single ethnic group you could think of lived there, not that I had a problem with it but y'know, different cultures have different food. Different food = stinky!

And I lived in an apartment building, so, it was even worse.

I live out in the country now and I like it much better. But there's not a lot of money.

Well, not the big huge city center but not the middle of no-where country.

I'm fine with living in the suburbs - Best of both worlds.

I hate cities. I love where I live, because I live out in the woods near a lot of farms/ranches and everybody lives about a three minute walk from their closest neighbor. It's nice though, because there are a lot of big cities near me, and you can reach them in a half an hour.

I prefer to live in the country

I hate the city, just so crowded, also,i get bored inn the city because my mom don't let me go anywhere :unsure:

I'm so happy now that I live in the country, its nice and peaceful :unsure:

I like the city. But I also enjoy the countryside a lot.

I think the city is probably best for resources, education and some kinds of leisure, but it also brings a lot of stress and tension.

The countryside is a whole more relaxed and you can have good fun. So, I think picking both is a healthy answer. ^_^

City! I love the smells, sights, and everything! XD

In the Downtown area, the nightlife is WONDEROUS! The city seems lit up, full of adventure, and shopping x3 I just love the city. Jax has these Jaguar statues throughout Downtown, when you spot one. No 2 are alike, they each have a different design! (I think they ain't Jaguars anymore. I think they were sold in auction, there is a new animal) Its just....great!

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