cover your webcam


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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2005
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Please do cover your webcam and maybe someone hacker will turn on your webcam and watch you doing something front computer. Please play safe than show the hacker webcam.

I just warning you all to play safe. Thank you!

Agreed. Mine's only on when I activate it using it's program. If people are that paranoid then they can check for spyware and other things like that in their computer as a scan.

My webcam on my dads computer is only on when you have "YouCam" up X_X

I don't think webcams are safe so I don't even own one lol but if I did I'd unplug it like Meowbark said ^^.

That'd be more like a cracker, by the way. Hackers build things. Crackers wreck them.

But no, it's not possible unless someone INVENTED A PROGRAM that shoved their arm through the screen.

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Sounds more like a scare tactic to me.Just like the 'the government can see you through your tv screen' thing.
agreed. lol.

I'm still kinda safe... I have no webcam. ;D

and besides.. it wouldn't be that bad.. it's like.. ohyes.. they see you looking at the screen.. unless you're doing naughty/private things... but most smart people wouldn't be doing naughty/private things in front of their turned on webcams, I hope..... unless they wanted to be seen. That's a different story.

[SIZE=13pt]o.o" lol. She's not saying to simply "Turn off the webcam" [/SIZE]

She means actually cover it up with the lid or something. :eek: ...♥


Whoa...XD I remember in grade 8, a police man came into my school and talked to us about this.

It's not impossible...Trust me. But very unlikely for us to come across an intelligent predator who actually has the time,

to hack some kid's webcam so they can look at this kid surfing the web. o.o"

What a great use of technology eh?

I heard about this before. Believe me, some online predators will do anything for this kind of stuff. They're a smart bunch of creeps.

Not trying to scare anyone, but always think of the 'what-ifs' and stuff along those lines.

That's too creepy o.e But i disconnect my webcam when I'm not recording something, or when I'm having live conversations with my cousins. xD So yeah, I'm pretty safe.

[SIZE=13pt]o.o" lol. She's not saying to simply "Turn off the webcam" [/SIZE]She means actually cover it up with the lid or something. :D ...♥


Whoa...XD I remember in grade 8, a police man came into my school and talked to us about this.

It's not impossible...Trust me. But very unlikely for us to come across an intelligent predator who actually has the time,

to hack some kid's webcam so they can look at this kid surfing the web. o.o"

What a great use of technology eh?
...or, if you're like me, change in the middle of using the computer for no apparent reason.

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