Crazy O_O


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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
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Alright, I just had to tell you all about my weekend! I went over blueyes's house :3

Then you can share what happened to you, or if anything crazy like this had ever happened to you.

So I went over my friends house this weekend, planned specifically for this weekend because her crush that lives a few blocks from her was having a birthday party along with my crush and a bunch of other kids we know.

So the first night was fun, danced, talked, watched movies, blahblahblah.

The second day was HILARIOUS.

We got up at 9 AM and realized we didn't have any syrup for our waffles. (gasp... xD)

So we were aloud to walk up to the plaza in between her house and her crushes house, right?

So we go to the store there and buy our syrup (and a bonus three bags of chips for a dollar :) ) and we are walking out... we decided to go into the dollar store because we had some time, so we wander around in there for a bit, screaming, lol.

Then we are walking out, and Karen looks at me and says "Oh my gosh, Tay, that's them." and I check and it was.

So we go, ok ok, run in screaming, into the dollar store, (Of course, being me, I had no idea how to open the door)

and hide. Well it'd been like, 3 minutes and I go to the front of the dollar store and look through one of the racks, and it was them, they are standing in front of the store. So I go to grab Karen and they walk in, so I RUN as fast as I can, and hide. Of course, they find me, and we are about to get out when her crush, Brendan, comes by us and goes "Oh look at the Christmas stuff!"

So I try to run towards the exit, and there's another kid (Hunter) and he's coming right at me, so I DRAG Karen to another isle. Finally we manage to get out, (after many glares, lol) and they're right there. So we walk past (coolly... lol) and eat our chips. So we're walking, and we're like "HOLY CRAP THEYRE FOLLOWING US." so after like, 10 minutes of that, I am like "Okokok, lets cut across the parking lot and end up behind them. So we do, and then we end up next to them, I was all "Just keep walking."

So we get back to her house, and her sister is like "WHERE WERE YOU?!?" so we tell her the story and she's like "What?! I can call the cops if you want.!" and we're like, "nonono, It's ok."

SO we're watching and then they walk by her house.

I was like. "STALKER!" lol.

So we go out and walk her dog, and they are following us.

After that they left, and we went onto her computer, and they IM us.

And they're saying that my crush (Nick) is saying all of this stuff, and I'm like, "Nonono, he's not there."

and they call us, and Nick's on the phone.

I'm like. Oh. My. Gosh.

Then they call us back (After saying Nick said even MORE stuff)

and Nick's like, "Tay, Tay, I didn't say anything.." and I'm like, "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I believe you." and I hear Hunter start laughing, so I get him on the phone and I tell him to shut the heck up, and I hang up. LOL

And yeah... then we got bored so we went outside and waved hi to a bunch of people on the corner.

LOL. If you read all of that say Syrup in your post, plz.

So yeah, has anything like that happened to you?

I didn't read the whole thing but I read the beginning, skipped the middle and read the end so I saw the syrup thing.

Syrup I guess.

Nothing happened this weekend, but lots of stuff happened today. <.< I told you about it on AIM so no need to repeat myself.

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