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o_O You guys are so good. Unfortunately, I'm really bad at these kind of stuff...I tried to create a Balloontchi, but failed. So I tried to create a Fishitchi, but it looked horrible. In the end, I abandoned my work altogether. XD

Omg. Crayon yours looks cool. I just made my quicky so it looks stupid.

o_O You guys are so good. Unfortunately, I'm really bad at these kind of stuff...I tried to create a Balloontchi, but failed. So I tried to create a Fishitchi, but it looked horrible. In the end, I abandoned my work altogether. XD


Hope you don't mind but Balloontchi sounded way to cute not to draw :p . Also Mannequin don't mind me, I'm an art student, and a rather bad one at that. Basically the only thing I do half good is draw little cartoons. :(

*faints* You are pro! *sighs I better improve. I'm a website designer, after all...I should know how to do these things!!! ARGH. =] It's great, even though it's not exactly like the one I tried to draw. But yours is cuter! Definitely! =]

...I accidentally did a double post, so I'm just editing this one. *sighs*

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this is ura-hinomatchi.

it is a girl

hobbies chillin with gozarachi,reading,playing vido games.

posonality a happy little kid

how to get (if egxested) only JUST keep it alive (its a bad car one

fave food scone

THAT was ALOT of wrigting and it took:1 hour 20mins and 50 sec to draw it

p.s i :lol: fishitchi and ballonitchi by *drumroll* tamagotchi girl

Really? Thanks...=] But I'm still not as good as crayonscribbles and the others. I love yours too. It's so adorable! =]

Ura-Kuromametchi is here!

I am also doing;




young kuromamechi




young kurochantochi

young urakurochantotchi

young urachakurochantotchi

Long list. Wait theres more;



young ura kuromimitchi



ura Kuromarumimitchi

young Kuromarumimitchi

young ura Kuromarumimitchi

and mama-kuromamechi IF I CAN BE BOTHERED.

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Nekotchi and Zoratchi.

I love Young Kuromametchi! Its intresting that you chose blue for the scarf color. Im still waiting for Kuro (~Kuromametchi~) to draw his Mamakurotchi.

Both mine were based on Mametchi, athough Nekotchi had the face of Mocha.

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