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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2009
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That place with the stuff, and the other stuff.
Do you guys remember that one topic about that guy who liked me a bit too much?

If you don't, here's the recap:

I didn't know this guy. He went to my school, and got my number from a friend. He texted me once or twice, we got into idle conversation. Then he told me he loved me. I was like WTF. I argued with him for a good week about it, he kept telling me he loved me and I was the most beautiful girl, and it was really, really creepy. He kept getting really angry with me, and telling me that "I shouldn't be afraid of his love". He was obsessed for quite a while.

In present times, my closest female friend just broke up with her boyfriend. Immediately Stalker Boy went and asked her out. She politely turned him down, telling him to wait until she is over her ex. So he was happy.

Now, all of the sudden, he's texting me, and telling me all about his relationship with my best friend.

My two theories.

One. He is now working in a pathetic attempt to make me jealous.

Two. He thinks that now that he's moved on, we can be friends, and this just happens to be a subject we relate on.

I would talk to my friend, but I don't think my feelings really matter in this situation. But if he is using her, I think I need some way to stop him. Any ideas about this? Advice? I feel pretty numb right now. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing here.

Woops, I made a big mistake. I told my other guy friend.

Nothing that I can do is worse than what he will do. I actually feel sorry for him now. Everything is collapsing once more, all on top of me.

Edit; update. He started asking me why I became so mean all of the sudden. He said that he never loved me.

Then he started texting me like nothing ever happened. He's just like, "What's up? Heyy." This is something not even WTF can describe.

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It was been about five minutes. Nine messages.

"Phoebe???? wut are u doing?"

"where did u go??? :( ((((("

"text me back plz :( (("

"Did i say somthing wrong???"

Those were the last few. His text makes me want to claw my eyes out.

Edit. Smiley thing came on Dx

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OMG. Over protective much?!?!?! I had a guy friend that acused me of backstabbing because I didn't text him at all in a day. Seriously. And he was just a friend, he wasn't reeeaaally close, even.

Maybe hes trying to make you jelouse that you turned him downand telling you how great his relationship is.?

lolz. Reminds me of Ethan. Same thing happened to me. Creep. Ignore for ages and its really amusing. [Why do you hate me? Text back my love. You're breaking my heart... etc etc] But one day I got sick of it [Litterally 30 odd texts a day] and sent a text with every bad word imaginable explaining how he'll never be with me because I have standards and such. Then he asked if he could take me out and buy me stuff so I told him that I am not a prossie [prostitute] and he can't buy me. I haven't heard from him since but Milly told me she hates me because I made her best man mate cry and be depressed for weeks.

Approach carefully and hes only trying to make you jealous.

He's sent me like, thirty texts. I like this game. No mental stress for me, and amusing text messages.

Oh my god. His myspace status. "I think she hates me :( (((" And his mood: "Superdepressed!" But of course, he spelled it all wrong, or it wouldn't fit in the little box thing.

^That's scary.. I've encontered girls like that beforee..

You're handling it the way I did and the weirdest message they sent me back was, "you have nice abs!!!"

I think I told you about that once, Phoebe.. xD

I hate creepers, They're called unspeakables at my school.
Oh. Unspeakables means something very different at mine. xD

Agh, Phoebeh. This guy sounds like a real creep. Love has messed him up. Or maybe someone dropped him when he was a baby, I don't know.

Anyway, what you're doing right now is good. Ignoring him and learning to look on the bright side and enjoy the comically annoying text messages. After all, he's not going to go on like this forever. He'll drop it soon. It may take a while, but he'll drop it. Trust me. Experience has made me wise.

The exact same thing happened to me before. Three days after I told him I didn't want to go out with him anymore he asks out my best friend. Then after that relationship one of my other friends.

This year for April Fool's, I sent him an email saying I loved him. It took me an hour to tell him that 'April Fools' was typed in really light grey at the bottom. Then he thought I was lying.

Soo, advice, just like others have said, ignore him. It's easy, and if you keep getting texts, it'll still provide entertainment. If it still keeps going on, tell someone with authority of what's happening, because a creep like this needs to be sorted out.

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