Creepy Dreams


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Paisley 520

Well-known member
Jun 5, 2006
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I've been having dreams that just came out of the blue, and they have these demons in them or something.

It's making me wake up and cry. My first dream, this weird thing or a smoke like figure was leading me into a portal to hell, I was just paralized, I couldn't move in my dream, but I woke up before anything bad happened. My second dream was just 2 days ago, this thing was imaginary, and I was sleeping in my dream in my same bed, and something was pushing me down, I couldn't get up, then it whispered "die" in my ear. My third dream, I just forgot, but it was scary, you know how you forget dreams. Am I going crazy, is this normal, or...


P.S. I never get these kind of dreams!

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gulp..ive been getting that too..yesterday I had a dream abouit a vampire...o_Oand last night i had a dream about the war in Iraq..a slideshow of pictures appeared in my mind. One child looked as though he had down syndrome, and another had a bandaged head soaked wit blood. When I woke up, i found myself sitting upright, screaming. I fainted after that...

maybe youve stayed watching tv too long or stayed at the computer too long.

Maybe your stressed, or your stressing over the dream and it's making them more frequent. You should tell your parents just so they know your worried and then they'll be able to reassure you that your fine and everything will be ok.

One I woke up from a dream, I don't actually remember the dream but I felt like a rat was running up my body and I just started screaming. Well I woke my mum up with it and the dog was in his basket downstairs howling but it still felt like I was dreaming even though I wasn't. My dog ended up sleeping outside my door because he's like a little fluffy guard dog :p .

But a teacher at college used to do physchology and I asked her about it and she said it must be stress. Which was right because me and my boyfriend had, had a little fall out before I went home to sleep. It wasn't even over anything big but I got very upset about it.

Well I hope your dreams stop, just try your best not to think about them.

I used to get those all the time last year, not so much anymore though. My dreams were TOO real. Have you heard of Buff the Vampire Slayer? It was similar to one of the episodes... I'll tell you the scariest one out of all of them that I've ever had. In this dream, I could see myself. You know how in dreams it's not a first person view? You can always see yourself.

It started out normally, but before I knew it I hear noises coming from behind my house, which wasn't really my house. I mean in my dream it was, but not in real life. Anyways.... With a dagger, I went to investigate. A pack of demons are there, eating away at something. The demons suddenly saw me, looking up from their prey. They looked at me, blood dripping from their mouths. They attacked full speed ahead. I quickly dodged their moves, and stabbed them with my dagger. Dead, just like the rest of them. I went over to what they were eating. Kneeling down, I look at what they were eating more closely. For soem reason, it wasn't until then I realised it was a body. A body of a young girl, and her guts and oragans were ripped out. The girl....was me. I screamed.

I woke up, sweating and shaking. Well, at least I thought I had. But it was still part of the dream. A doctor was standing beside me, looking at me with a pleased look on his face. "She's awake. At last." These two adults were sitting on the bed with me. I didn't reconize them at all. "Who are you?" I asked. The women looked over at her husband. "She doesn't know us Jack." She turned back to me. "Stephanie, we are your parents. Remember us? We've missed you sweetheart!" I suddenly was back at my house again, and the body was gone. My friends (who I don't actually know) surrounded me and comforted me. "It's okay Stephanie. Don't worry..." this boy named Josh said to me, helping me up. A girl with orangey red hair smiled at me. Her name was Treena. "We're gonna get you inside." she told me.


Suddenly, I was back in my bed, looking at the doctor and those two people. "Stephanie? Please! Stay with us." the women said again, putting her hand on my hand. I pulled my hand away and started to cry. "Doctor...she's crying. Help her! Shes upset!" The doctor shook his head. "There is nothing I can do..." I was back with my friends again in my dream. "We have to go to the store to get some books on demons. We will be right back." Teena said, grabbing Josh's hand and leaving me alone sitting on the couch. While I was sitting there, somebody busted down the window. I botled up. A demon was there. I tried to fight him, but he was too strong for me. He held me against the wall and said, "You must die. You do not belong here." A whole bunch of his demon friends who looked just like him appeared. With each one of them, this blue portal grew bigger. The one who was holding me against the wall threw me inside the portal. I appeared in hell...yes, hell. Demons were there, clustering about and kicking the walls. Fire spat up from the ground. I was chained down. I couldn't move. A demon came up to me and beated me until I was so weak I couldn't move.


There I was again, back in my bed. I was panicing, and was hiding my face in my pillow. "I'm in hell... I'm in hell..." I kept wailing. My body wouldn't stop trembling. "No Stephanie. You are not in hell. You are here with your family. Nothing will hurt you when you are with us. So please, stay with us." He turned to my 'parents' and said, "If she doesn't get rid of her two worlds then she won't ever get better." "Two?" my 'mom' said, shocked. "Theres two?" The doctor nodded. "One is this demon dimension shes created, and the other is a simple world that she feels safe in. She's created a family, friends, a school, and a whole world. There is where she thinks her life is. Not here. She doesn't know your really her parents." My 'parents' started to cry. I closed my eyes, and thats when I woke up.

It may not sound very creepy, but it was. x.x

But it's normal. Your probably going under alot of stress.

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well, have any of u been doing spells? PM me

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I think it's stress. I have had a lot of stress lately, I've been getting nightmares. Don't worry, don't let them get to you. :)

.:: Hot Banana ::.

Okay, it probably is stress but theres nothing in tarnation to stress about! anways why the crap would i be doing "spells" i dont even no what you mean!

I've had dreams like that, it's normal.

Most of my dreams, I am this girl named 'Usagi' and since then, based on what she looks like, she's become my RP Character! Lol.

I had dreams like that a few months ago, so did my best friend... weird.

But anyways, it was because my other friend showed me ghost videos that SCARED ME OUT OF MY MIND.

I was crying and scared and slept horrible for the next two or three weeks.

So did you see a scray movie or anything like that? It might be the cause.

I stopped having bad dreams when I slept facing the wall with all my stuffed animals behind me, and I still sleep like that :p

Otherwise, everyone has bad dreams and maybe they will go away soon :kuribotchi:

No, I dont watch any scary shows except i used to watch" a haunting "but that was like 6 monthes ago.

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I had a horrible dream last night.

I was spending the night with a friend (In the dream...) and they had a guest room right next to her room. BUt as I slept in the dream (Yes, for the longest time I was having a dream of me sleeping.) I felt as if someone was standing there, watching me from the other side of the room. (All there was in this room was a bed, and it was on the farthest side of the door.) So I got to the poiint where I was crying it was such a strong feeling, so I got up, and ran into my friends room. I shoke her and shoke her until she woke up. She told me I could sleep in there with her if it made me feel better, so I was like, okay then. I fell asleep, but we both woke up in the middle of the night. Someone was in the room with us and we both started crying. She told me we could get up the courage to go downstairs (These rooms were like.. in an attic..) and sleep in the living room. So I was like, okay. She got up and tolsd me to follow. I grabbed onto her arm and followed her. We went down stairs and the feeling stopped.. It was like nothing happened. So we went into the living room and sat on the couch and her mom came out of her room. She was all, "Maddie, I'm not gonna let this happen again." I had no clue what she was talking about, so I went to go get a drink of water. While I was getting a drink I heard Maddie (My friend) say "DOn't worry mom, I'll try and posses her." So I freaked out! I ran out of the house and I was running down the street and she followed me. I was throwing stuff at her, then all the sudden we stopped. And I saw myself in their house, living with them.

So if you don't get it, gher family was acctually as family of ghosts, trying to find people to posses so they could live through another person. And when I sawe myself living with them, I had dided and had to live wuith them, trying to find someone to posses. (I am HORRIBLY terrified of ghiosts, so when I woke up, my heart was racing.)

All mine are from, are from me waking up at 2:59 (Wich you would under stand why I was scared if you've ever watched the Excrisism of Emily Rose, you'd understand..) I get stressed about those things, but I have ghosts and things in my dreams, never demons...

I must say, if this problem persists, go get an exorcism. Some people believe that is the only way out of being possesed by demons.

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